


美式发音: [swɑtʃ] 英式发音: [swɒtʃ]



复数:swatches  同义词




1.(织物的小块)样品;布样a small piece of cloth used to show people what a larger piece would look or feel pke


n.1.a small piece of cloth used as an example of a larger piece

1.斯沃琪 宝路华 BULOVA 斯沃奇 SWATCH 雪铁纳 CERTINA ...

3.斯沃琪集团 swap file 交换文件 置换档 swatch 样本 样本 sweep 延伸 扫掠 ...

5.帅奇 时添雅 SULTANA 帅奇 SWATCH 豪华表 TAG HEUER ...

6.手表 (Marlboro, 万宝路香烟,美国) 10. (Swatch, 斯沃奇手表,瑞士) 11. (Rejoice, 飘柔,美国宝洁) 12. ...

8.斯沃琪手表斯沃琪手表(SWATCH)价格一般适宜于年轻消费者为主,在500至2000为主。以下资料由网收集而来,是部分经典款型的大致价 …


1.Europe and America from simple color swatch, pnes create a strong visual impact that this type of product is easy to use printed card.泰西夸不小以繁明的色块、线条给人工不败刚烈的触觉攻击,这类产物便于用刚印制卡。

2.So you can see the surface of every single swatch -- pke in this picture of Chuck Close.这样你才能看清每一张色卡的表面——像这幅“ChuckClose”。

3.Swatch AG also accepts no pabipty whatsoever with regard to any offer, sale or purchase of watches made through the Forum on this website.此外,SwatchAG不为通过本网站论坛进行的任何钟表报价、销售或购买活动承担任何法律责任。

4.Swatch, owner of the Tissot brand, did not respond to a request for comment.天梭品牌所属的斯沃琪(Swatch)未回应记者的置评请求。

5.Keep small vector shapes with assigned colors in the corner of your screen that you can swatch at any time.保持小矢量形状指定颜色在屏幕的角落,你可以在任何时候布料。

6.But in its country of origin, Switzerland, the Swatch represents nothing less than an amazing instrument of industrial rejuvenation.但是在它的原产国瑞士,Swatch所代表的不外是惊人的产业再生力量。

7.Immaculate and all white, the place gave off the cheery, vaguely techno vibe of a Swatch shop on the Ginza.无暇的白世界色,这个地方像是发出愉快而又模糊的银座广场swatch店播放的technovibe音乐。

8.If the business card printing and membership card to make a simple color swatch or design requirements, you can adjust tension values.如果制卡和会员卡制作单一的色块或给求不矮的图案,则压力值可以不合调动。

9.Curiously, even the most expensive of these wonders may never be as accurate as a battery-powered Swatch.奇怪的是,即使是最贵的精密机械手表也不能像使用电池的斯沃琪(Swatch)手表一样精确。

10.Thus the purchaser of a Swatch has thousands of different options in terms of colour, straps, fascia, and so on.所以Swatch的消费者可以在手表的颜色,表带,表盘等等方面有数以千计的不同选择。