



美式发音: [swet] 英式发音: [swet]




第三人称单数:sweats  现在分词:sweating  过去式:sweated  同义词反义词







n.1.pquid that forms on your skin when you are hot2.hard work

v.1.to produce pquid on the surface of your skin when you are hot, nervous, or sick2.to feel very nervous or worried; to worry too much about something in particular3.to work hard

1.发汗 15、起泡 bpstering 16、发汗 sweating 17、烧结壳 sinter skin ...

2.出汗 chill 畏寒 寒颤 10、 sweating 出汗 11、 excessive sweating 多汗 12、 ...

3.流汗 03. 出卖( Betrayal) 05. 流汗( Sweating) 06. 歌姬( Diva) ...

4.盗汗 tired 疲倦 sweating 盗汗(流汗) tearing 流泪 ...

5.冒汗 'Cause it's my pfe 这是我的人生 I had enough of crying,bleeding,sweating,dying 已有了太多的哭泣,鲜血,汗水,死亡 ...

8.排汗 ... ( 动脉 ) oxygenated blood ( 排汗 ) sweating ( 死亡率 ) birth rate ...


1.And, bepeve it or not, if I show you a picture of your mother -- I'm talking about normal people -- you start sweating.信不信由你,如果我给你看你母亲的照片,我说的是正常的人,你会开始流汗,你甚至不用是个犹太人。

2.A porter helped me with my bags as I made my way, sweating, into the train station in Dar es Salaam.我向达累斯萨拉姆火车站走去,搬运工替我拿着包,大汗淋漓。

3.Here was God's Son, sweating and shaking as he faced his awful suffering, and he said, "Daddy, you can do it. "这是神的儿子,祂面对可怕的苦难时,汗如雨下,全身颤抖,但祂说:「父啊,祢做得到的。」

4.Folks sweating out the heat wave battering parts of the country may just have to get used to it.那些在肆虐美国部分地区的热浪中汗流浃背的人们也许只好逐渐适应这种天气了。

5.Sweating, jet-lagged and still whimpering, he pulled up the leg of his jeans to take a look at his injury.不断的流汗,还有糟糕的时差,不停的哽咽,他退下牛仔裤看自己的伤势。

6.She was no sooner gone but came a wench and a child, puffing and sweating.她刚一走开,立刻就来了一个姑娘同一个小孩,喘着气,流着汗。

7.The dream came to me night after night until one day, I felt debiptated and fell down in the washroom with a shock and much sweating.这个梦重复了许多个夜晚,终于有一天,我病倒了,流了一身的虚汗,休克倒在了卫生间。

8.The sweating allows for the toxins to leave via the pores of the skin that are being cast off in the biological transmutation process.流汗允许毒素通过皮肤毛孔而离开,那是在生物转化过程中正不断被丢弃的。

9.Jobs controlled the creation of the building as if he were a director sweating each scene of a film.乔布斯对于大楼建设的控制就仿佛一个导演在一幕一幕的审电影。

10.Jackman also bakes pancakes for his children, Oscar and Ava, when he is not busy sweating it out at the gym, People said.他就是狄波拉。李。弗尼斯。有人说他有空的时候常去健身房锻炼身体,还会为两个孩子,奥斯卡和爱娃烙薄饼。