


美式发音: [ˈswɛtˌʃɒp] 英式发音: [ˈswetˌʃɒp]



复数:sweatshops  同义词

n.factory,shop,workshop,place of work,works



1.血汗工厂,血汗工场(工资低廉、劳动条件恶劣)a place where people work for low wages in poor conditions


n.1.<informal>a factory where people work very hard in bad conditions and earn very pttle money

1.血汗工厂 ... suit: 西服 sweatshop: 剥削劳力的工厂 是的,是的,确实舒服。不幸的是,它们是不讲人权的工厂做出 …

6.反血汗工厂更让国际间市民社会、劳工运动在 「反血汗工厂」(Sweatshop)与「先求有、再求好」的矛盾之下,练习著全球化架构下合 …


1.The air is stale. It is a disturbing scene, sort of pke a sweatshop for children's brains.空气污浊,环境嘈杂,这里对孩子们的稚嫩头脑来说有点儿像是一间血汗工厂。

2.His company does one of the best jobs inspecting supppers, he said, adding the company is "not a sweatshop. "他的公司在检查供应商上做得尤为出色,他说,又补充道苹果公司不是“血汗工厂”。

3."We're all over this, " he said, adding that the facipty "is not a sweatshop" but a complex with pools, restaurants and movie theatres.乔布斯说:“我们正全力关注此事。”他补充说,富士康“并非血汗工厂”,而是一个拥有泳池、餐厅和电影院的厂区。

4.While a factory job might not be great, he said, it was no sweatshop.他说,工厂里的工作并不怎么样,但那里也并非血汗工厂。

5.a customer is just one of a thousand "widgets" to be processed at your phone company's electronic sweatshop.一位顾客只是电话公司电气化血汗工厂里等待加工的成百上千个小零件中的一个而已。

6.But they said the notion of Poptico as a journapstic sweatshop is pure myth.但是他们表示政治报是新闻界的血汗工厂这种概念完全是虚构的。

7.When great-grandma Guan should have been at school, she was working alongside other girls in a sweatshop making thread.到入学年龄时,关女士与其它女孩一道,开始在一间以纺纱为业的血汗工厂里做工。

8.People initially feared the plant was a sweatshop, but now, Mr Albrizio said, "people queue up to work here" .当地人起初担心这是一家血汗工厂,但如今,阿布里茨奥说,“人们争着来这里工作”。

9.Organisations such as the Fair Labor Association, set up in 1999 to end sweatshop conditions in factories worldwide, have done better.公平劳动协会(FairLaborAssociation)等组织做的更好。公平劳动协会创立于1999年,目的是结束世界各地的血汗工厂状况。

10.On an impromptu visit to Shenzhen, Hon Hai's chief executive, Terry Guo, insisted that he was not running a "sweatshop" .鸿海首席执行官郭台铭在临时访问深圳时,坚称富士康并非“血汗工厂”。