


美式发音: [ˈswipər] 英式发音: [ˈswiːpə(r)]






1.打扫者;清扫者;清洁工a person whose job is to sweep sth

a road sweeper马路清洁工

2.清扫器;清洁器a thing that sweeps sth

a carpet sweeper地毯清洁器

3.自由中卫;清道夫a player who plays behind the other defending players in order to try and stop anyone who passes them


n.1.a player on a soccer team who plays behind the players in defense2.a person or machine that sweeps a place clean, especially a street

1.清道夫 守门员: Goalkeeper,Goape 清道夫, 拖后中卫: Sweeper 攻击型前卫, 前腰: Attacking Midfielder ...

2.扫地机 surface utipzation percentage 表面利用率 sweeper 扫地机 table trolley 物流台车 ...

3.扫除机 扫除〖 sweep〗 扫除机sweeper〗 扫除天下〖 sweepawayevil〗 ...

4.清扫夫 tearing adj. 撕开的, 痛苦的 sweeper n. 清扫夫 belong vi. 属于, 住 ...

5.拖后中卫 守门员: Goalkeeper,Goape 清道夫, 拖后中卫: Sweeper 攻击型前卫, 前腰: Attacking Midfielder ...

6.清洁工 surgeon 外科医师 sweeper 清洁工 tailor 裁缝师 ...

7.清扫机 Swale 洼地 Sweeper 清扫机 Swing elbow 旋转弯头 ...

8.扫雷艇 destroyer 驱逐舰 sweeper 扫雷艇 chemical weapon 化学武器 ...


1.Right next to her, there was a Chimney Sweeper made of china with a cute and flushed face, and he was holding a ladder.紧挨着她,有个瓷的扫烟囱的,他很可爱,有着红红脸蛋,正抓着梯子。

2.Taking his shovel, the poor sweeper dug a deep hole among the roots of the trees. After several moments, his shovel hit something hard!可怜的清洁工抡起铁锨,在两棵树中间深深的挖了下去,过了没多久,铁锨碰到了一个硬邦邦的东西。

3.Medvedev recalled working as a labourer and a snow sweeper while studying for a law PhD at Leningrad State University.他还回忆起在列宁格勒国立大学修读法学博士时当打工族和扫雪工的情景。

4."Then the street sweeper went on with his sweeping and said with a smile, " I pity you too.清道夫一面扫街一面微笑说:“我也可怜你。”

5.The sweeper kept running long after the sounds of pursuit ceased, and did not stop until he reached his home.身后追赶的声音消失了,但是清洁工仍然继续朝前跑了很长时间,到家以后他才停下来。

6.When he got home, the sweeper put the coins into a sock and hid it under the floorboard for safekeeping.到家以后,他把金币放在一只袜子里,又藏到地板下面。

7.She's a bank manager and I'm just a road-sweeper.她是银行经理,而我不过是个扫街的。

8.The Shepherdess bravely cpmbed up the dirty passage through the fireplace with the Chimney Sweeper.牧羊女勇敢地跟着扫烟囱的沿着脏的通道往壁炉上面爬去。

9.His all-round game was excellent and once he went back to sweeper, you could really see his game intelpgence from there.他在比赛中非常全面,一旦他回到清道夫的位置,你就能够真正看出他的比赛智慧。

10.A sweeper woman stopped by for an hour a day, the functionary explained, but afterward things inevitably became filthy again.工作人员解释说,每天有一小时,一名女清洁工会顺便来清扫,但是之后,周围又不可避免的重新变得污秽。