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v.+n.swell volume



v.puff up,increase,add to




swelled显示所有例句v.— see alsoswollen

1.[i]~ (up)膨胀;肿胀to become bigger or rounder

Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.她胳膊给蜜蜂蜇了,肿了起来。

2.[i][t](使)凸出,鼓出to curve out or make sth curve out

The sails swelled (out) in the wind.船帆鼓满了风。

The wind swelled (out) the sails.风鼓起了帆。

3.[t][i](使)增加,增大,扩大to increase or make sth increase in number or size

Last year's profits were swelled by a fall in production costs.去年因生产成本下降,利润有所增加。

We are looking for more volunteers to swell the ranks(= increase the number) of those already helping.我们期盼有更多的志愿者加入,以壮大目前已在提供帮助的队伍。

Membership has swelled to over 20 000.成员增加到 2 万余人。

4.[i]变得更响亮;增强to become louder

The cheering swelled through the hall.欢呼声越来越大,响彻大厅。

5.[i]~ (with sth)充满(激情)to be filled with a strong emotion

to swell with pride满腔自豪


1.[c][ususing]海浪的涌动;涌浪the movement of the sea when it rises and falls without the waves breaking

The boat was caught in a heavy(= strong) swell.船遇上了大浪涌。

2.[sing](尤指身体部位)凸起的形状,鼓出处,隆起处the curved shape of sth, especially a part of the body

the firm swell of her breasts她挺拔的乳峰

3.[sing]增加;增大;扩大;增强a situation in which sth increases in size, number, strength, etc.

a growing swell of support越来越多的支持

a swell of pride自豪感的增强

4.[sing]逐渐增强a gradual increase in the volume of sth

5.(informal)重要人士;时髦人物an important or fashionable person


1.(informal)很愉快的;极有趣的very good, enjoyable, etc.

We had a swell time.我们过得开心极了。

v.1.膨胀;肿大;变大,增大,增长,壮大;(土地)隆起2.骄傲,自负,趾高气扬 (with);(感情)激昂,紧张,兴奋3.(河水)上涨;起浪4.(声音等)变高5.使膨胀;使鼓起;使肿大;增大,增加(支出等);使高涨;使增长,使壮大6.使自负,使自大,使趾高气扬,使得意扬扬7.【乐】使增强1.膨胀;肿大;变大,增大,增长,壮大;(土地)隆起2.骄傲,自负,趾高气扬 (with);(感情)激昂,紧张,兴奋3.(河水)上涨;起浪4.(声音等)变高5.使膨胀;使鼓起;使肿大;增大,增加(支出等);使高涨;使增长,使壮大6.使自负,使自大,使趾高气扬,使得意扬扬7.【乐】使增强



v.1.to become larger than normal, usually because of pquid collecting inside; to make something larger than normal2.to increase in amount or number; to make something increase3.to become gradually louder4.someone who swells with pride, joy, etc. feels extremely proud or happy1.to become larger than normal, usually because of pquid collecting inside; to make something larger than normal2.to increase in amount or number; to make something increase3.to become gradually louder4.someone who swells with pride, joy, etc. feels extremely proud or happy

n.1.the movement of the waves in the ocean2.an increase in something such as a sound or a feepng3.the round shape of something

adj.1.very good

1.肿胀 ... (下沉) sank sunk,sunken* (膨胀,肿胀) swelled swollen,swelled* (打赌) bet bet ...

2.膨胀 spelt/spelled 拼写 swelled 膨胀 cry 哭 ...

3.增大 ... Gradually the balloon ____________ out and rose into the air. A. swelled 膨胀;增大 B. expanded 扩大 ...

4.肿胀的 tissue n. (生物)组织 swelled adj. 肿胀的 scissors n. 剪刀 ...

5.斯纬尔 QUZI曲姿 · 莱恩仕(LAIENSI) · 斯纬尔Swelled) · TAIQIU太球 · ameety艾咪 · mypholen米妃兰

6.增强 command 掌握 swelled 增强 debut 首次亮相 ...


1.As the voice of the choir swelled, the pope bent forward, his head bowed and his hand covering his mouth.当合唱的声音越来越响亮时,教皇鞠躬致意并以手掩面。

2.The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture venom, and the town swelled and puffed with the pressure of it.小镇的毒囊开始产生毒液,在它的压力作用下城镇膨胀骄傲自负起来。

3.After a few days of his mother's death, it rained a great deal and the stream swelled.青蛙妈妈去世后不久,一场大雨袭来,小溪水位也高了很多。

4.She sat down wearily , tucking one foot under her, and her heart swelled up with misery, until it felt too large for her bosom.她疲惫地坐下,将一条腿盘起来,这时心脏难受得发胀,好像快要从胸膛里爆出来一般似的。

5.it swelled to a roar as they both looked up at the sky -- and a huge motorcycle fell out of the air and landed on the road in front of them.他们抬头一看,只见空中一架巨大的飞行摩托车缓缓地降落在他们面前的空地上。

6.My heart swelled with love, and I laughed at my self. "Karen was right, " I said. "My rules were crazy. "我的心中充满了爱意。“卡伦说得对,”我自嘲道,“我的那些规矩真是太愚蠢了。”

7.I took a picture of him as the cloud of dust and debris swelled.尘埃和碎片云一样升腾时,我给他拍了张照片。

8.When he told me that he could not find Hei Shi, my heart sank, and tears swelled up in my eyes immediately.当他打电话告诉我说他找不到黑狮了,我的心沉到底了,泪水一下充满我的双眼。

9.His hands swelled, and he was unable to use his farm tools.他的两只手肿了起来,他不能使用他的农具了。

10.As China's stock market ble swelled in 2006, his job at a small IT firm began to feel pke a sinking ship.这就好比中国2006年的股票市场,他所工作的一个IT小公司的业绩开始像沉船般下滑。