


美式发音: [swɜrv] 英式发音: [swɜː(r)v]




第三人称单数:swerves  现在分词:swerving  过去式:swerved  同义词

v.veer,veer off,swing over,change direction,diverge



1.突然转向;急转弯to change direction suddenly, especially in order to avoid hitting sb/sth

She swerved sharply to avoid a cycpst.她猛地急转弯,以避开一个骑自行车的人。

The bus suddenly swerved into his path.公共汽车突然拐到了他走的路上。

The ball swerved into the net.球在空中划了一条弧线,进了球门。

v.1.转弯;偏斜;突然改变方向;滑出;闪避;逸出常轨 (from)2.使转弯,使改变方向;使滑出;使离正轨


v.1.if something such as a vehicle swerves, or if you swerve it, it changes direction suddenly in order to avoid someone or something

1.突然转向 swept zone 波及带 swerve 弯曲;突然转向;偏向 SWF 短波消逝 ...

2.背离 Sureshot 煞特 Swerve 背离 Swoop 飞标 ...

3.转弯 disserve 危害,损害 swerve 转向,突然改变方向 awe 敬畏 ...

5.急转弯 Melodrama 情节剧 Swerve 急转弯,偏斜 Swindle 诈取,骗取 ...

6.偏斜 Melodrama 情节剧 Swerve 急转弯,偏斜 Swindle 诈取,骗取 ...

7.偏向 swept zone 波及带 swerve 弯曲;突然转向;偏向 SWF 短波消逝 ...


1."There should be one under my seat, " Daniel shouted as he took a swerve around a curve. "Can you grab it? "“应该有一个我的座位下,”丹尼尔喊道他花了大约一个曲线转向。“你能抓住它?”

2.A mobile home stopped suddenly directly in front of him, forcing him to swerve into the right lane with his heavy load.一个机动住宅突然在他的正前方停了下来。逼迫他在重负载的情况下转向右车道。

3.for cover. The man kicked out with a ponderous foot. It caused the dog to swerve as if caught in a tid.跑到可以躲藏的地方。小孩的父亲用笨重的脚踢打着。为了以防抓住,小狗又跑到另外一边。

4.I would add: is such a swerve really 'unexpected, ' as the title of his AOL Defense column indicates?我则反问:这一转变果真如他在“美国军事在线”栏目所言,是“始料不及”的吗?

5.That had been the fashion of his century, and he would not swerve from it.这是他那个世纪的风气,他一点也不越规。

6.It had hardly been a propitious beginning, but he had chosen his course, and would show no swerve.这种情形很难说是一个吉利的开端,但是他已经选定了他的道路了,他不想三心二意。

7.It was, to say the least, a questionable career swerve.这一次至少可以说带着疑问的职业转向,是经过一番痛苦的反省才决定的。

8.Nothing will swerve him from His determination.没有任何事能改变他的决心。

9.Du not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.不可偏向左右,要使你的脚离开邪恶。

10.If it is safe to move over , signal before doing so. Make sure this will not force another driver to swerve or slow down .如可安全转,须先发出信号,并须确定不会逼使其他驾驶人突然转向或减速。