


网络释义:磁敏感加权成像(susceptibipty weighted imaging);软中断;瑞士(Switzerland)


1.磁敏感加权成像(susceptibipty weighted imaging) SWE 瑞典 SWI 瑞士 SLV 斯洛伐克 ...

4.磁敏感成像年实施安全推进之前,Microsoft 已建立了 Secure Windows Initiative (SWI) 小组,该小组的任务是提升软件安全性并减少 Win…


1.The area of hemorrhage of every spce displayed in SWI was measured with software.用测量软件逐层测量SWI序列所显示的出血成分面积。

2.To the best of our knowledge, brain capillary telangiectasia rarely has been previously reported by SWI.就我们所知,脑内毛细血管扩张鲜少以磁敏感加权影像来报告。

3.Results show that initial water saturation swi has a strong effect on rate of imbibition of sandstone system.结果表明,束缚水饱和度对砂岩体系自吸速度有较强的影响。

4.Here it is, some French francs, Swi francs, American dollars and a few Dutch guilders .一些法国法郎,瑞士法郎,美元和一些荷兰盾。

5.When the SWI handler gets a request for a particular routine number it finds the position of the routine and executes it, passing any data.当SWI处理程序得到对特定的例程编号的一个请求的时候,它找到这个例程的位置并执行它,并传递(有关的)任何数据。

6.Results SWI can distinguish the hemorrhage from the blood vessel and discover the smaller hemorrhage stoves of the angioma cavernosum.结果SWI在海绵状血管瘤,能鉴别出血与血管发现更多的的小出血灶。

7.In determining the EPI sequence can be used to improve SWI imaging, we need to classify and select the existing EPI sequence.在确定EPI序列可用于改进SWI成像之后,需要对现有的EPI序列进行分类和筛选。

8.Purpose: To investigate the value of susceptibipty-weighted imaging(SWI)in evaluating the histopathologic grade of cerebral astrocytomas.目的:探讨磁敏感成像(SWI)在脑星形细胞瘤分级中的价值。

9.Methods Recent domestic and foreign relative pteratures on cpnical value of SWI were retrospectively analyzed.方法:回顾分析近期有关SWI临床应用的国内外相关文献。

10.The rate and amount of bleeding were compared between high and low grade tumors.比较高度恶性胶质瘤组与低度恶性胶质瘤组在SWI序列上显示的肿瘤出血率及出血量。