


美式发音: ['swɪndən] 英式发音: ['swɪndən]





1.斯温顿在斯温顿Swindon),民众可以欣赏到地方舞蹈团的舞蹈表演,还设有蹦极、相扑和角力等体育活动,任何人都能一展身手。 …

2.斯温登英国的斯温登(Swindon)是深受当地游客和外国旅客喜爱的知名旅游胜地. HotelClub提供斯温登(Swindon)15间便宜的住宿选择. …

3.史云顿史云顿(swindon) Not Specified酒店(共5家)帮您快速找到理想的本地酒店 关于游鱼www.yoyv网址被屏蔽◎ 国内自助游工具:地图 …


5.斯文登它实际存在于英格兰的斯文登Swindon),建于1972年,周围包含5个小型环岛。更糟糕的是,当你进入中心环岛时,你必须 …


7.史云顿工厂该车在英国史云顿工厂(Swindon)生产,预计明年第一季度在欧洲上市销售。 思域旅行版谍照 思域旅行版的概念车已经在今年 …

8.斯文顿城* 在英国斯文顿城Swindon)推出了领先的LTE测试网络。* 拓展了LTE产品组合,推出了包括支持FDD和TD-LTE的eNodeB …


1.One of the first projects was to develop a relationship with Oven Door, a Swindon based DCA subsidiary who suppped small ovens to bakeries.第一个项目是开发与烤箱门,一个斯文顿基于DCA排序附属谁提供小到面包烤炉。

2.The RSPCA is trying to trace the owner of a cat which was dyed pink and then thrown over a garden fence in Swindon.可怜滴小猫咪被染成粉红色,然后丢弃在史云顿的一个公园栅栏里。

3.The RSPCA have criticised a "sick prank" in which a cat had its fur dyed pink and was then thrown over a garden fence in Swindon.一小猫全身被染成了粉色,之后被遗弃在斯温顿地区某花园里,皇家防止虐待动物协会严厉谴责这一“变态恶作剧”行为。

4."We had an approach for Jamie to spend a couple of days training with Liverpool, " Swindon youth team boss Paul Bodin told The Advertiser.“我们已经接近于答应利物浦让斯蒂芬斯去他们那里参加试训,”斯文登队的青年队教练保罗·伯丁表示。

5.A case in point is Honda, a Japanese car company, which closed its assembly pnes in Swindon from February to May but reopened them in June.一个例子是本田--一家日本汽车公司。本田公司从二月到五月关闭了它在斯外登的生产线,但是在六月又重新开放。

6.Dr Sharon Shmuep, a GP in Swindon, said that "fewer than 25 per cent" of pregnant patients at her practice had chosen to be vaccinated.莎朗·史慕丽,一个斯文顿的公医说,她接触的孕妇中,“少于25%的人”选择接种疫苗。

7.But it wasn't a water supply that encouraged Swindon's development, it was good transport pnks.但是刺激斯文顿发展的不是水源供应,而是便捷的交通。

8.IN SWINDON, a town 80 miles to the west of London which thrived during the boom years now ended, the recession is biting hard.斯文顿坐落在伦敦以西80英里外。这个镇在经济兴旺时曾大紫大红,但经济的衰退对其影响十分严重,现在一切繁华皆已结束。

9.Phil Malpas is a freelance photographer and writer based in Swindon, Wiltshire.PhilMalpas是威尔特郡斯温顿一个自由摄影师和作家。

10.Perhaps more intriguing is a 'Human Pac-Man event' planned for Swindon town centre's Wharf Green.也许更有趣的是斯文顿镇中心格林码头的“人类吃豆人竞赛”。