




1.瑞士德语 ... 112.   Swedish~ 瑞典文 113.   Swiss-German瑞士德文 114.   Tagalog~ 菲律宾他加禄文 ...

3.瑞士媒体采访 ... Roger Federer 罗杰•费德勒 Swiss-German 有瑞士和德国血统的 suburban 城郊 ...

5.德国籍的瑞典人 ... pronunciation 发音 swiss-German 德国籍的瑞典人 Chinese-American 美籍华人 ...


1.They take one good look at my face and assume that my Engpsh is not as good as the Swiss-German with blonde hair and blues eyes.人们会好好的看我一眼,然后就认为我的英语不如一个金发碧眼的德裔瑞士人好。

2.Barclays and HSBC remain strong, global players, but the City is home to big operations run by Swiss, German and American banks, too.巴克莱(Barclays)和汇丰(HSBC)仍是强大的、全球性的参与者,同时伦敦金融城也汇聚了瑞士、德国和美国银行开设的大型机构。

3.In my early childhood I spoke Alsatian in the family context, an Alemannic dialect close to Swiss German.小时候在家庭的熏染下我说的是阿尔萨斯语,是阿勒曼尼语的一种方言,与瑞士德语近似。

4.However, one newspaper has already pointed out that "Zigi" is a slang word in the Swiss German dialect for "cigarette" .不过,一家报纸已经指出“吉吉”是瑞士的俚语,意思是香烟。

5.In most districts, or cantons, the most commonly spoken language is a variation of German called Schwyzertutsch (meaning Swiss German)在瑞士大部分地区或州内,最通用的口语是从德语衍生出来的所谓施维策尔蒂希语(意为瑞士德语)。