




1.悉尼港悉尼奥林匹克园区 (Sydney Olympi…

3.雪梨港雪梨港(­英文:Sydney Harbour),又叫杰克逊港(­英文:Port Jackson),是澳洲雪梨的天然海港。雪梨歌剧院及雪梨港大 …

4.悉尼湾   悉尼湾Sydney Harbour)有以库克船长的部下乔治·杰克逊之名的杰克逊港(Port Jackson)。实际上首先进港的是亚瑟·菲力 …

5.雪梨海港雪梨海港Sydney Harbour)的《海上恶魔岛》(Fort Denison)Fort Denison 以前是监狱,后来做为水上碉堡,防御雪梨免 …

6.雪梨湾雪梨位于南纬34度东经151度,地处澳洲大陆的东南沿岸,滨临海岸线长达244公里的雪梨湾(Sydney Harbour),傲视着湛蓝深 …

7.悉尼港湾从酒店轻松步行即可抵达悉尼港湾(Sydney Harbour)、歌剧院、一流的购物设施和餐馆。客人可于屋顶花园欣赏环形码头(Circul…

8.雪梨港湾雪梨大桥(Sydney Bridge)上俯瞰雪梨港湾(Sydney Harbour)及各个方向都呈现不同风貌的雪梨歌剧院(Sydney opera house)岩石 …


1.That would be exciting! Oh, and we have to see Sydney harbour and visit the Sydney opera house.那会是多刺激啊!哦,我们一定要去悉尼港和悉尼歌剧院。

2.The Japanese bombed Darwin and sent some small submarines into Sydney harbour but did not invade Austrapa.日本轰炸达尔文和在悉尼海港进入一些小型潜艇,但没有入侵澳大利亚。

3.However, some people said he was killed in Sydney Harbour surprised.不过他表示自己对有人在悉尼港丧命而感到惊讶,。

4.Through the Sydney harbour bridge, journeyed north along the way, white beaches and spectacular panoramic view of the sea.穿过悉尼海港大桥,一路向北,沿途洁白的沙滩、壮阔的海景尽收眼底。

5.On Sydney harbour, the thick red air cut visibipty to less than 100 metres and shrouded the city's iconic bridge in a ghostly hue.在悉尼港,厚重的红色空气使能见度降低到不到100米,掩盖城市标志桥梁于幽影之中。

6.The Sydney Opera House is situated on Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbour, close to the Sydney Harbour Bridge.悉尼歌剧院位于本纳隆角点在悉尼港,接近悉尼海港大桥。

7.Sydney Harbour Bridge, known locally as the Old Coat Hanger, does more than provide an impressive landmark.悉尼港湾大桥,作为“旧衣服架子”的称呼比提供了一种令人印象深刻的陆标在当地更闻名。

8.Fireworks explode over the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House during a pyrotechnic show to celebrate the New Year.悉尼海港大桥和歌剧院燃放焰火庆祝新年到来。

9.Traffic makes its way off the Sydney Harbour Bridge on September 23, 2009 as Austrapa's biggest city is shrouded in a blanket of red dust.交通使得澳大利亚最大城市的离开悉尼海港大桥的方法是在红地毯灰尘笼罩在2009年9月23日。

10.The Sydney Harbour Bridge vanishes into a dust cloud on September 23, 2009 in Sydney, Austrapa.悉尼海港大桥消失于2009年9月23日在澳大利亚悉尼到尘埃云。