




1.悉尼奥林匹克体育中心地形,造成纵横交错、起伏变化、神秘而奇异的效果;在悉尼奥林匹克体育中心(Sydney Olympics)、Dayton庭院环境、烛台 …

2.悉尼奥运 ... 13. x-men( 变种特工) 14. sydney olympics悉尼奥运) 16. svetlana khorkina( 体操运动员) ...

3.悉尼奥运会系列7月14日,法国国庆日(Bastille Day)悉尼奥运会系列(Sydney Olympics),足球悉尼奥运会系列(Sydney Olympics),举重悉尼奥运 …


1.Tall, graceful with those exquisite cheekbones, Luciana was a silver medalpst at the Sydney Olympics and a bronze winner at Athens.高挑,有着精致的脸庞,卢西亚娜获得悉尼奥运会银牌和雅典奥运会铜牌。

2.Maybe , we can find the answer in a true story . More that half a year has passed since the Sydney Olympics.或许我们可以从一个真实的故事里找到答案.悉尼奥运会结束后,半年多已经过去了。

3.But the lure of speed skating always remained for Hughes and she decided to return to her first love after the Sydney Olympics.不过对速度滑冰的渴望仍然时刻萦绕在休斯心里,她决定在悉尼奥运会后回到她最初喜爱的项目上。

4.Taekwondo's global following led to its inclusion in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.跆拳道在全球追随者众多,2000年悉尼奥运会将其纳入正式比赛项目。

5.Sydney Olympics - The Sydney Olympics were labelled the 'best ever games' by IOC president Juan Samaranch.悉尼奥运会--悉尼奥运会被国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇称为“最好的奥运会”。

6.The Sydney Olympics in 2000 saw the gymnastics squad take home an impressive five medals, including three golds , a silver and a bronze.2000年悉尼奥运会上中国体操队地带回了五枚奖牌,令人印象深刻。其中有三枚金牌,一枚银牌和一枚铜牌。

7.One of those, Yang Yun, said last year on state television that she was 14 during the Sydney Olympics.当时的选手之一杨云去年在接受中央电视台采访时说自己在悉尼奥运会时只有14岁。

8.At the Sydney Olympics, artistic gymnasts were not required to perform compulsory routines.悉尼奥运会不要求艺术体操选手进行规定动作比赛。

9.In the 2000 Sydney Olympics, he was seen as a top contender for the all-around gold, but only gained a silver.2000年的悉尼奥运会上,杨威被视为全能夺冠热门,但那次他只获得了银牌。

10.Jeff: The Sydney Olympics was concluded satisfactorily.杰夫.:悉尼奥运会已经圆满结束了。