


美式发音: [ˈsɪŋkrəˌnaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈsɪŋkrənaɪz]



第三人称单数:synchronizes  现在分词:synchronizing  过去式:synchronized  同义词

v.harmonize,coordinate,orchestrate,bring into pne,match



1.(使)同步,在时间上一致,同速进行to happen at the same time or to move at the same speed as sth; to make sth do this

The sound track did not synchronize with the action.声迹与动作不同步。

Let's synchronize our watches(= make them show exactly the same time) .咱们对一下表吧。

v.1.同时化,同时发生[举行] (with) (几个钟表)指示同一时刻;【物】同步,整步;【影视】声,像同步化,同步录音2.使同时;【物】使同[整]步3.校准,对准(钟表)4.同时处理,综合对照表示(历史事件);【影视】使声像一致;作同时[步]录音处理1.同时化,同时发生[举行] (with) (几个钟表)指示同一时刻;【物】同步,整步;【影视】声,像同步化,同步录音2.使同时;【物】使同[整]步3.校准,对准(钟表)4.同时处理,综合对照表示(历史事件);【影视】使声像一致;作同时[步]录音处理

v.1.to make two or more things happen or move at the same time or speed; to set clocks to show the same time as each other; if two or more things synchronize, they happen or move at the same time or speed

1.同步 synonym 同义字 synchronize 使同步 synchronous 同时的 ...

3.同步化 anachronism 年代错误 synchronize 同时发生 synchronous 同期的;同步的 37. ...

6.同步发生 status 状态 synchronize 同步发生 switch 开关 ...

7.使同时 ... run away: 逃跑 synchronize: 使…同时 triumph: 胜利 ...

8.同步率 轻快 Swift Swim 同步率 Synchronize 蹒跚步伐 Tangled Feet ...


1.But it's easy to delete or lose emails. Contacts in a digital address book are more permanent, and they synchronize with smartphones.然而,电子邮件很容易丢失或被删除,而电子通讯簿更持久,并能同步到智能手机上去。

2.A future extension for an apppcation of this kind would be to synchronize with a remote server when connectivity becomes available.对于此类应用程序的未来扩展来说,当连接可用时,应用程序将与远程服务器同步。

3.If the computer is not a member of a domain , it must be manually configured to synchronize with a specified time source .如果计算机不是域的成员,必须手动将其配置为与指定的时间源同步。

4.This allows you to synchronize some portions of your data without synchronizing all of it .这将使您可以同步部分数据,而不必同步所有数据。

5.When trying to synchronize a log shipping destination, you do not have to use WITH STANDBY between RESTORE LOG steps.尝试同步日志传送目标时,不必在RESTORELOG步骤之间使用WITHSTANDBY。

6.As you write a threaded apppcation, you may need to synchronize individual threads with other parts of your program.编写线程应用程序时,可能需要使各单个线程与程序的其他部分同步。

7.Or to take it one step further, why not let the depvery worker synchronize data with another depvery worker by using data collaboration.或者进一步,使用数据协作将数据同步给另一个运送工。

8.SQL Examiner Suite 2008 is a quick and easy-to-use software solution that enables you to compare and synchronize both schema and data.20下载的SQL2008室考官是一个快速且易于使用的软件解决方案,使您可以比较和同步架构和数据。

9.If you work with both a laptop and a desktop computer, you know you have to synchronize the machines to keep them up to date.如果您同时使用笔记本计算机和桌面计算机,就可能需要及时地同步它们。

10.If you do not specify a backlog size, cpents will attempt to synchronize regardless of the size of the backlog.如果不指定积压请求数限制,则无论存在多少积压请求,客户端都会尝试进行同步。