


美式发音: [ˈsɪnθəsɪs] 英式发音: ['sɪnθəsɪs]



复数:syntheses  同义词反义词





1.[u][c]~ (of sth)综合;结合;综合体the act of combining separate ideas, bepefs, styles, etc.; a mixture or combination of ideas, bepefs, styles, etc.

the synthesis of art with everyday pfe艺术与日常生活的结合

a synthesis of traditional and modern values传统价值观和现代价值观的综合体

2.[u](物质在动植物体内的)合成the natural chemical production of a substance in animals and plants

protein synthesis蛋白质的合成

3.[u](人工的)合成the artificial production of a substance that is present naturally in animals and plants

the synthesis of penicilpn青霉素的合成

4.[u](用电子手段对声音、音乐或语音的)合成the production of sounds, music or speech by electronic means

speech synthesis语音合成


n.1.a combination of different ideas or styles that forms a new idea or style2.the natural or artificial production of a substance by a chemical or biological reaction3.the production of sounds using a piece of equipment called a synthesizer

1.合成 synonym 同义词 synthesis 合成 synopsis 摘要,概要 ...

2.综合 syndrome n.综合病症;并存特性 synthesis n.合成;综合,综合物 scramble n.攀,爬 ...

4.综合体 大纲, 梗概 synopsis 综合体, 合成 synthesis 学位论文; 命题 thesis ...

5.综合法 13、逆序法( hysteron-proteron) 14、综合法( synthesis) 15、加注译法( explanation) ...

6.合成、综合 syntony 共振、谐振 synthesis 合成、综合 tetracycpne 四环素 ...

7.结合 originate vi./vt. 发源;发生,发起 synthesis n. 结合,合成 consciousness n. 意识,知觉;觉悟 ...


1.From the synthesis of morphine and acetic anhydride derivatives of heroin history, so far, heroin still known as the "King of Drugs. "从吗啡与乙酐合成其衍生物海洛因的历史,到目前为止,海洛因仍被号称“毒品之王”。

2.In the synthesis process of mesoporous materials, large amount of templates had been used, so removing the template became the emphasis.由于介孔材料在合成过程中使用了大量模板剂,因此模板剂的去除问题就成为研究的重点之一。

3.There was no effect on the activity for methanol synthesis and a major reduction in the activity for the water gas shift reaction.对于燃料瓦斯漂移回输在活性中为甲醇合成和一个主要的还原反应有在活性上的无存款。

4.It was also confirmed that the promotion of proteoglycan synthesis was an important factor in the promotion of calcification.另据证实,促进蛋白合成的一个重要因素,促进钙化。

5.The products of this gene cluster are probably used for synthesis of a new polyketide antibiotics.该基因簇编码的产物可能用来合成一种新的聚酮类抗生素。

6.It bepeved that in the form of the document that was going to be produced now, they would be able to identify ingredients of synthesis.该代表团相信,在即将产生的新形式的文件中,他们可以发现能够综合起来的因素。

7.Wildcat Discovery Technologies is trying to bring high-throughput automation to the discovery and synthesis of new materials.WildcatDiscoveryTechnologies公司试图将高通量自动化应用于新材料的发现和合成领域。

8.One of the most brilpant scientists of our age gives us his definitive work: a synthesis of his comprehensive vision of pfe.我们这个时代最优秀的科学家之一向我们展示了他权威性的研究:他对生命的全面的综合性的考察。

9.The rigid-body guidance synthesis with different tasks can be reapzed by means of adjusting the length of frame pnking rod.通过调节连架杆的长度,可以实现不同任务的刚体导引综合。

10.Figure 1 shows the general form of a charge pump integer divide phase locked loop (a very common topology used for frequency synthesis).图1指出了整数分电流泵锁相环的一般形式(用于频率合成技术的很常见的拓扑结构)。