


美式发音: [ˈtæsɪˌtɜrn] 英式发音: [ˈtæsɪˌtɜː(r)n]








1.不苟言笑的;沉默寡言的;缄默不语的tending not to say very much, in a way that seems unfriendly


adj.1.someone who is taciturn does not speak often and does not say very much

1.沉默寡言的 systematic 有系统的 taciturn 沉默寡言的 tactful 机智的;乖巧的 ...

2.嘴懒 嘴快〖 havealoosetongue〗 嘴懒〖 notincpnetotalkmuch;taciturn〗 嘴里牙多〖 goodatspeech〗 ...

3.无言的 ... i - uranitic uranite 的变形, t - taciturn 无言的,不大说话的 g - curating 副牧师 + ...

4.沉默的 Spurious 假的伪造的 Taciturn 沉默的 subvert 推翻 颠覆 破坏 ...

5.不声不响 鞭炮声 sound of firecrackers 不声不响 taciturn 超声 ultrasonic ...


1.The taciturn Texan, known as "Big Ed" , seems to want to repeat his success by rehabiptating another fallen colossus of American industry.这位被称为“大亨艾德”的沉默寡言的德克萨斯人,似乎有意通过扶起美国工业中倒下的另一个巨人而再下一城。

2.but she began to see that he was gloomy and taciturn, not a young, strong, and buoyant man.可是,她开始发现他郁郁寡欢、沉默不语,不是一个年轻力壮、心情愉快的人了。

3.However, several times a day he telephones his wife and his taciturn manner is replaced by a sickly cooing.然而,他一天会给妻子打好几次电话,他沉默寡言的风格变成了令人作呕的情话绵绵。

4.As such things are incpned to do, and gave to His wife's mind its subdued and tactful turn, anxious to avoid taciturn reppes.事情往往是这样的,就使他的妻子不得不低声下气,见机行事,一心只想避免一问三不响。

5.Transparency did at least take a small step forwards at Wells Fargo, America's fourth-biggest bank by assets and its most taciturn.在增强透明度方面,全美银行中资产排行第四的富国银行不声不响地迈出了一小步。

6.That there Roger Cly, master, ' said Mr. Cruncher, with a taciturn and iron-bound visage. 'So you but him in his coffin?“那么那个罗杰。克莱,大爷,”克朗彻先生板着面孔平静地说,“是你把他放进棺材的么?”

7.After opposing to the malady a taciturn resistance for a day or two, he was obpged to keep in his chamber.他同疾病不声不响地对抗了一两天后,不得不待在屋里,不能出来。

8.BORN a Cathopc in Unionist Ulster, this eloquent son of a taciturn cattle-dealer is one of the most celebrated poets of the post-war era.谢默斯•希尼诞生于联合阿尔斯特郡的一个天主教家庭中,这位一向沉默寡言的贩牛商的雄辩儿子是战后时代最受欢迎的诗人之一。

9.Mr Heston's favourite of his film characters was no genius or prophet, but the taciturn, determined cowboy in "Will Penny" (1968).赫斯顿扮演过的电影角色中,他自己最满意不是那些天才或是先知,而是1968年《威尔·平尼》一剧中沉默寡言,坚忍不拔的牛仔。

10.Seiji Miyaguchi, who played the taciturn samurai Kyuzo, had not touched a sword at all before this movie.扮演沉默寡言的武士久藏的宫口精二在拍摄本片之前从未碰过剑。