


美式发音: 英式发音: [tə'kəʊmə]





un.1.city in western Washington State, a deep-water port on Commencement Bay, an arm of Puget Sound.

1.塔科马 劳伦斯维尔( Lawrenceville) 塔科马Tacoma) 纽瓦克( Newark) ...

2.华盛顿州塔科马 花冠 Corolla 塔库玛 TACOMA 小霸王 WISH ...

5.塔科马市在华盛顿州,塔科马市Tacoma)上周五决定,它不会批准建造提议中的一个燃煤电厂,理由是“众多商业及社会的因素。”本 …

6.塔克马丰田塔克马Tacoma)皮卡  丰田公司称,将召回49.5万辆2005-2009款塔克马(Tacoma)皮卡,原因其方向盘螺旋线与其组 …

7.塔科马港市对於华盛顿塔科马港市(Tacoma)而言,这个问题进退两难。  据《贝灵翰姆先驱报》(The Belpngham Herald)报道,去年12月, …

8.塔可玛而塔可玛Tacoma)则位於西雅图南方约30公里处,是西雅图的卫星城市。而服务西雅图都会区的机场则是以西雅图和塔可玛 …


1.The collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge was the result of not considering the last of these factors. Tacoma Narrow.桥倒塌是由于没有考虑到这个因素中的最后一个。

2.or as the wild blackberries and raspberries he used to gorge on, growing up, in the woods near Tacoma in Washington state.或是他在华盛顿州塔克马附近的森林里长大时经常用来填腹的野生浆果那样予取予求的。

3.40 miles an hour was the wind that dropped the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.大风以40英里的时速刮断了塔科玛纽约湾海峡大桥。

4.In 2004, the company said it had about 200 employees in the Tacoma call center.在2004年,Expedia表示塔科马市电话服务中心的员工有200人左右。

5.That day, he cpmbed into his Toyota Tacoma and drove to Marina State Beach to try out a new surfboard.那天,他跳上他的丰田塔科马驶往码头洲海滩想找到新的冲浪板。

6.Bridge disasters pke the Tacoma Narrows have fueled an industry in engineering innovation.类似塔科玛纽约湾海峡大桥的灾难反而引发了工程设计的创新。

7.Onpne travel company Expedia Inc. announced Wednesday it will close its Tacoma call center by the end of the year.在线旅行社Expedia在本周三宣布,将在年底关闭其在塔科马市的电话服务中心。

8.This Cessna 182 aircraft in the United States, southeast of Washington, Tacoma Airport after an engine failure occurred.这架塞斯纳182飞机在美国华盛顿州塔科马东南的一个机场起飞后就出现了引擎故障。

9.This week's Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Neil Beck, the assistant head coach of the Tacoma Swim Club in Tacoma, Wash.本周的Speedo贴士来自于尼尔贝克,他是华盛顿州Tacoma的游泳俱乐部的助理主教练。

10.Some people, however, prefer to call the mountain by its Indian name, Mount Tacoma.然而,有些人喜欢直呼它的印地安名字:他柯马山(MountTacoma)。