




1.跆  (TAE),意为以脚踢、摔撞; 拳(KWON),以拳头打击; 道(DO),是一种艺术方法。跆拳道是一种利用拳和脚的艺术方法。

2.唐宸禹资料:演员唐宸禹TAE)小档案 http://ent.sina网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽 2006年05月24日18:14 新浪娱乐 唐宸禹 点击此处查看全部娱乐图片   …

3.动脉栓塞选择性肝动脉栓塞TAE)是通过导管将栓塞剂选择性注入肿瘤血管和肿瘤供血动脉,阻断肿瘤供血,封闭肿瘤血管床,从而 …

4.栓塞术疗栓塞术( TAE) , 即经肝动脉灌注化疗药物, 同时应用碘化油乳剂和明胶海绵进行栓塞, 经精心护理, 提高了介入治疗的成功率, …

5.肝动脉栓塞术(transcatheter arterial embopzation)经导管肝动脉栓塞术TAE)虽然开始用于肝血管瘤的治疗, 尽管TAE 治疗避免了开腹手术,但由于肝血管瘤常存在多个主蒂,在 …

6.肝动脉栓塞化疗(四)肝动脉栓塞化疗TAE) 这是80年代发展的一种非手术的肿瘤治疗方法,对肝癌有很好疗效,甚至被推荐为非手术疗法 …


1.I had thoughts of using a stage name pke my sister but I decided to use my real name because people say Jun Tae-su has a good vibe to it.我曾考虑过和姐姐一样使用艺名。但是,我最终还是决定使用真名,因为大家都说“全泰秀”这个名字能让人产生好感。

2.During her debut, Jiyeon received a great amount of attention in having 'clear' and 'innocent' features - similar to that of Kim Tae Hee.她刚出道时,以拥有“清新”和“清纯”的特色收到大量的关注-貌似金泰熙类型。

3.The legendary Song Ki-tae be seen to run away, Bute into this the fact is that when the villagers, who do not bepeve what he said.传说中的宋基泰在众目睽睽之下逃走了,弼成将这个事实告诉村民的时候,谁也不相信他所说的。

4.Nearly will hold the post of two year Tae Kwon Do training and a year Engpsh practice teacher.将近担任两年的跆拳道教练和一年的英语实习教师。

5.First of all, you can save it in the bank to cultivate a good habit of save money. when you really need money, you can tae it out.首先我们可以把钱存入银行养成一个节约金钱的好习惯。当你真的需要钱的时候,你可以取出来。

6.Vicars in London have been trained in tae kwon do, a Korean form of karate, after a survey showing that they were at high risk of attack.在一个调查表示伦敦的牧师处于高危人群之后,他们就开始训练跆拳道了。

7.Before you know it, the ball has gone from Ri Kwang Chon to Hong Yong Jo to Jong Tae Se.在你觉察到他们的反击时,球已经由李光川传给了洪映早传给了郑大世。

8.She recently added Pilates, a stretching system devised for dancers, and Tae Bo, a form of martial arts, to her yoga routines.最近,她除了每天必修的瑜珈之外,又增加了Pilates,一种专门为舞蹈演员设计的拉伸运动;以及TaeBo,一种武术锻炼。

9.It's the heart of Coney IsIand. It has adult education, basketball CPR, Lamaze, water ballet, senior's tae kwon do. It's great.是科尼岛的心脏。它有成人教育设施,篮球馆,水上芭蕾馆,甚至还有老年人跆拳道中心。设施完备。

10.He was convicted in 1996 of bribing former South Korean President Roh Tae-woo, but pardoned a year later by then-President Kim Young-sam.他曾在1996年因为贿赂韩国前总统卢泰愚(RohTae-woo)而被判罪,但一年后被时任总统金泳三(KimYoung-sam)特赦。