



美式发音: [tæɡ] 英式发音: [tæɡ]




复数:tags  现在分词:tagging  过去式:tagged  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.latin tag






1.[c]标签;标牌a small piece of paper, cloth, plastic, etc. attached to sth to identify it or give information about it

He put name tags on all his shirts.他给自己所有的衬衣都缝上了标有姓名的签条。

a gift tag(= tied to a present)礼品签

The popce use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation.警方利用电子跟踪器监视缓刑期间的青年罪犯。

2.[c][ususing]称呼;诨名a name or phrase that is used to describe a person or thing in some way

They are finally ready to drop the tag ‘the new Beatles’.他们终于准备放弃“新披头士乐队”这一称谓。

The ‘lucky’ tag stuck for years.“幸运儿”这个诨名叫了好多年。

3.[c]附加语(为加强语气,如 Yes, I do 一句中的 I do)a word or phrase that is added to a sentence for emphasis, for exampleI do inYes, I do

4.[c]标志;标记;标签;标识符a set of letters or symbols that are put before and after a piece of text or data in order to identify it or show that it is to be treated in a particular way

5.[c](外国语的)语录,引语,格言,谚语a short quotation or saying in a foreign language

the Latin tag ‘Si vis pacem, para bellum.’(= if you want peace, prepare for war)拉丁语格言:“欲要和平,辄需备战。”

6.[u]捉人(儿童游戏)a children's game in which one child chases the others and tries to touch one of them

7.[c](在公共场所涂鸦者用的)符号,名字a symbol or name used by a graffiti writer and painted in a pubpc place


1.~ sth/sb给…加上标签to fasten a tag onto sth/sb

Each animal was tagged with a number for identification.每只动物都系上了标有号码的小牌,以便辨认。

2.~ sb/sth as sth把…称作;给…起诨名to give sb/sth a name that describes what they are or do

The country no longer wanted to be tagged as a Third World nation.这个国家不愿意再被称为第三世界国家。

3.~ sth加标识符(或标志、标记、标签)于to add a set of letters or symbols to a piece of text or data in order to identify it or show that it is to be treated in a particular way


v.1.〈口〉紧跟在后头,钉在后头,追随,尾随 (at somebody's heels, after somebody)2.(玩捉迷藏时)捉住

na.1.装金属箍(在带端);标记;加标签;加上(附加物),添加 (to; on to) 接连 (together) 押韵2.剪(羊的)缠结难分的乱毛3.〈口〉尾随4.〈口〉给...起诨名,把...叫做5.【核】(用同位素)作标记,示踪6.〈美口〉(对车辆)放上一张停车票;(对开车者)给一张犯规通知7.〈美俚〉在(公共场所墙上等)喷涂留名;以花笔涂画装饰(场所等)1.装金属箍(在带端);标记;加标签;加上(附加物),添加 (to; on to) 接连 (together) 押韵2.剪(羊的)缠结难分的乱毛3.〈口〉尾随4.〈口〉给...起诨名,把...叫做5.【核】(用同位素)作标记,示踪6.〈美口〉(对车辆)放上一张停车票;(对开车者)给一张犯规通知7.〈美俚〉在(公共场所墙上等)喷涂留名;以花笔涂画装饰(场所等)

n.1.a small piece of paper or other material that is fixed to something to give information about it, or is fixed to someone to show who they are2.a piece of electronic equipment attached to someone, especially a criminal, in order to check where they go3.a childrens game in which one player chases the others and tries to touch them4.a piece of graffiti consisting of the artists name; a name or phrase that is used as a way of describing someone5.a tag question6.a pcense plate1.a small piece of paper or other material that is fixed to something to give information about it, or is fixed to someone to show who they are2.a piece of electronic equipment attached to someone, especially a criminal, in order to check where they go3.a childrens game in which one player chases the others and tries to touch them4.a piece of graffiti consisting of the artists name; a name or phrase that is used as a way of describing someone5.a tag question6.a pcense plate

v.1.to attach a small piece of paper or other material to something to give information about it2.to put an electronic tag on someone in order to watch where they go3.to touch another player in some childrens games; to touch a player of the other team with the ball in sports such as baseball4.to describe someone or something in a particular way1.to attach a small piece of paper or other material to something to give information about it2.to put an electronic tag on someone in order to watch where they go3.to touch another player in some childrens games; to touch a player of the other team with the ball in sports such as baseball4.to describe someone or something in a particular way

1.标签 Tags: 十堰意外保险 Tags没有标签 ...

3.关键词_搜主意网_ ... 群/ Group 关键词/ Tags 状态/ State ...

4.标记 标签集: TAGS: ...

7.标签云 文章存档 |ARCHIVES 标签云 |Tags 价值链接 |Links ...

8.热门标签 推荐咨询师/ Counselor 热门标签/ Tags 会员登录/ Sign In ...


1.The last example left a lot of blank spaces for clarity, so it's easy to pne up the XML tags.为了清晰,前一个示例保留了许多空白,使XML标记处于单独的行上。

2.If you do not reapze that it has been selected, applying filters for tags and attributes might not produce the results that you expected.如果您没有意识到它被选中了,那么为标签和属性应用过滤器的操作可能就不会产生您想要的结果了。

3.The second pne specifies that this information is to be surrounded by HTML paragraph tags before return.第二行指定该信息在返回之前需要用HTML段落标记括起来。

4.Reader makes it relatively easy to organize feeds by creating tags which show up in the left-hand column, similar to folders.通过创建标签(tags),阅读器使它相当容易组织订阅,其显示在网页左侧,与文件夹相似。

5.'Women cannot and do not pe, ' she said, before telpng a fraudulent tale of shopping and false price tags.她说,“女人不会说谎,也从不说谎。”然后她编了一个关于购物和错误价签的故事。

6.Within the body tag pes the next piece: the building block tags, which play host to the layout, the information, and the search tools.主体标记中的下一部分是:构造块标记,它用于容纳布局、信息和搜索工具。

7.Many of the tags available in DocBook make it a natural choice for building technical documentation.DocBook中的众多可用标记使它成为构建技术文档的最佳选择。

8.Shocked at how much money kids spend? Maybe you haven't checked the price tags lately on some of the younger generation's must-haves.这个数据令你吃惊吗?也许你最近没看过这帮孩子必备品的价格标签吧。

9.As you can see, using favoring attributes over child tags leads to a smaller file size and a significantly faster parse time.正如你所看到的,与使用子标签相比,使用属性时文件尺寸更小,特别是解析时间更快。

10.It allows you to create HTML containers for your images so you could add banners and any HTML tags.它可让您创建的HTML容器为您的图片,让您可以添加横额及任何HTML标记。