




1.吃药 medicine 药 take some medicine 吃药 more 更多的 ...

2.吃一些药 15. be stone deaf 全聋的 32. take some medicine 吃一些药 33. pe down 躺下 ...

3.吃些药 get better 好转 take some medicine 吃些药 have a rest 休息一下 ...

4.吃点药 5 be wanting? 正在等 7take some medicine吃点药 7.take some medicine? 服药 ...

5.服药 take photos 拍照 139) take some medicine 服药 140) turn on 开,旋开(电灯,收音机等) 142) ...

6.服一些药 boiled water 开水 take some medicine 服一些药 day and night 日日夜夜地 ...

7.服些药 ... see a dentist 看牙医。 take some medicine 服些药 have a good rest 好好的休息一下 ...


1.I'm sorry to hear that. Just a moment. I'll go to the front and take some medicine for you.真不幸,请您稍等,我到前舱去给您取点药来。

2.The doctor looked him over carefully, gave him some tests, asked him to work less hard, and told him to take some medicine to help him.医生仔细地检查了一下,让他做了一些检测,让他少工作,而且告诉他要吃些要来帮助睡眠。

3.Having suffered from heart trouble for years, Professor White must take some medicine with him wherever he goes.由于多年犯有心脏病,怀特教授无论到哪里都要随身带药。

4.Take some medicine, and drink hot drinks. Stay in bed for a few days.吃一些药片,喝一些热的饮料。在床上待一些日子。

5.The doctor told her to take some medicine.医生吩咐给她拿些药

6.Having suffered from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.怀特教授多年以来一直深受心脏病的折磨,因此无论他去哪里,他都随身携带着药。

7.No but you must take some medicine and stay in bed for a week?不很严重。你需要吃点药,在床上躺一个星期。

8.Well, let me take your temperature and have a look at your throat. Yes, you do have the flu. Just take some medicine.嗯,让我量量尼的体温,看看你的喉咙。是的,你的确患了感冒,吃点药就好了。

9.yes, i have, he told me to take some medicine and stay at home for a dew days.是的,我去了,他告诉我吃一些药,然后在家休息几天。

10.The doctor told me to take some medicine.医生吩咐给我拿些药