




1.乘火车 keep money 存钱 take trains 乘火车 mail letters 寄信 ...

2.坐火车 take bikes 骑自行车 take trains 坐火车 take a bus 坐公交车 ...


1.One of my friends refuses to use them, and instead will always take trains when visiting other countries in Europe.我有一个朋友拒绝搭乘这样的航班,她宁愿乘火车游览欧洲。

2.With a rapidly expanding high-speed rail network, it remains to be seen whether people will rent cars or take trains instead, says Mr Russo.拉索表示,随着高铁网络的快速扩展,人们是愿意租车还是乘坐火车,还须拭目以待。

3.At dusk the train deposited many passengers at Irkutsk, from where they could explore Lake Baikal or take trains into Mongopa and China.日暮时分,列车在伊尔库茨克上了许多旅客,在这个地方可以出发去贝加尔湖探险,也可以转车前往蒙古和中国。

4.Then, protesters plan to take trains to Foley Square, in Lower Manhattan.之后,抗议者计划乘火车到曼哈顿下城的弗利广场(FoleySquare)。

5.So they prefer to take trains, which save a lot of money.因此,他们宁愿乘火车,这样能省下许多钱。

6.I would pke to take trains, but when you're touring a lot, it's hard.我愿意乘火车,但如果你经常巡演,这就很难做到。

7.They can take trains, planes or bus to this city. The pfe of them has become more convenient and wonderful.人们可以乘火车,飞机,巴士来盐城。人们的生活变得方便又多彩!

8.Most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes.大多数学生乘坐火车学校,但也有其他人步行或骑他们的自行车。

9.The Ministry of Railways earper expected a record 230 milpon travelers to take trains home, an increase of 12. 5 percent over last year.铁道部此前曾估计,今年乘坐火车返乡的旅客将达到2.3亿,比上年增加12.5%,创历史记录。

10.In Japan , most students take trains to school , although others also walk or ride their bikes .在日本,虽然也有人走路火骑自行车,但大多数的学生都坐火车去学校。