




1.坐公交车 ... by the bike 骑自行车 take bus 坐公交车 on foot 步行 ...

2.乘公共汽车 乘火车 take train 乘公共汽车 take bus 布莱克一家 the Blacks ...

3.坐公车 冷与热 Hot * Cold 坐公车 - take bus 我与我们 - I and We ...

4.坐公交车的英文怎么说 ... 我坐公交车去上学用英语怎么说 I go to school by bus. ... 坐公交车的英文怎么说 take bus ... ...

5.拿巴士回家ep.”(p.319)那样的译法,就像有个女孩子“拿巴士回家”(take bus)异曲同工了。

6.是否搭乘接驳车 年级 Year 是否搭乘接驳车 take bus 是( Yes) ...


1.There are "The ends of the earth" and "Long coconut road" near us, and you could take bus from our hostel to any view port in Sanya.我们附近有天涯海角景区和椰风长廊,其它景区可以从旅舍附近的公交车站坐车直达。

2.OK. I understand . You could take bus No. 5 get there. The bus stop ib just across the street , see?好的,我明白了。您可以搭乘5路公共汽车去那里,车站就在马路对面,您看到了吗?

3.After lunch, take bus to the hometown of "the Scientific Sage" Mozi and "the master of craftsman" Luban---Tengzhou.午饭后乘车赴“科圣”墨子、“工匠祖师”鲁班故里——滕州市。

4.The church is in a small lane, some2 km south of Beijing Railway Station, From Dongdan take bus 8 down Chongwenmen Avenue.教堂座落在北京火车站南边大约两公里远的小巷。从东单起,搭8路车往南走崇文门大街。

5.Take Bus No. 5 And get off at the Municipal Hospital stop, look for a red church and follow the signs.乘坐5路车,市立医院站下车,沿红色教堂走。

6.May: Wow, it is quite far away from here. I'm afraid you're gonna have to take Bus No 713.阿美:哇,那离这里很远呢。恐怕你得乘公交713路才能到。

7.From the train to youth hostel, you can take bus No. 57 or 59, then get off at the stop named the Wuhou Temple.从火车站到青年旅舍,你可以坐57路或59路公车,武候祠站下即可。

8.One of the wheels on my car is busted . So I have to take bus today.我汽车上的一只轮子坏了。所以今天我得坐公交车。

9.Behind us is the ferry station, after while we shall take bus No. 71 there to go back.我们的身后就是轮渡,待会回家要从那里坐71路公交车。

10.Even my school is within the walking distance, I'd still take bus or subway.学校虽然不是很远,但也要搭乘巴士和地铁。