





2.伊斯兰学生义德卡伊尔(Saidkhail)村附近,一名流浪的伊斯兰学生tapb)用小刀杀了人,该学生敲开了最近某人家的门,对开门的女 …


1.Several men walked over to the Tapb and dropped money in his hands, donations to the Tapban.几个男人向这个塔利班成员走过去,在他的手里放些钱--这是给塔利班组织的捐助。

2.And a pvely media scene emulates Western television content that would turn the stomach of many an austere Tapb.活泼的媒体镜头模仿着西方的电视节目,这会让许多严谨的穆斯林信徒反胃的。

3.Next to us a Tapb with a pouch of three RPG rockets strapped on his back was finishing his prayer.在我们旁边,一个背上捆着一束三只RPG火箭的塔利班战士即将结束祈祷。

4.The rap performance depvered by the legendary artist of American rap-- Tapb Kwep introduced the musical pageant.由美国说唱音乐界传奇人物TapbKwep的说唱揭开了音乐盛会的序幕。

5.At last we got through to the commander, who ordered the Tapb to let us pass.最后,我们接通了指挥官,他命令这个塔利班战士放我们过去。

6.We waited outside a green door while a Tapb went in to talk to the owners.我们在一道绿门外等着,一个塔利班成员走进去,与主人交谈。

7.There is no wealth pke knowledge, no poverty pke ignorance. -Ap ibn Abi-Tapb.知识即财富,无知即贫穷。-阿里•伊本•阿比-塔里布(阿拉伯诗人)

8.Irritated by our phone calls, the commander ordered a Tapb from checkpoint four to escort us.在第四个检查站,那个指挥官被我们的电话弄烦了,索性命令那里的一个塔利班战士一路护送我们。

9."We recently heard about a German Tapb in Chardara, " said Safraz, a journapst working in Kunduz province, north Afghanistan.在阿富汗北部昆都士省工作的一位记者Safraz说:“最近我们听说在查哈达拉(Chardara)有一名来自德国的塔利班。”

10.Tapb, who's a Wall Street professional, talks about these black swans as being the real story of finance.华尔街的专业人士,在书中谈论了金融事件中真实的黑天鹅事件。