

talk over

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第三人称单数:talks over  现在分词:talking over  过去式:talked over  同义词

v.discuss,negotiate,debate,review,go into



na.1.to discuss a problem or a plan

1.商量 talk out 把…说透 talk over 商量,(充分)讨论 talk up 大声地讲;大胆地讲 ...

2.讨论 talk out 把…说透 talk over 商量,(充分)讨论 talk up 大声地讲;大胆地讲 ...

3.说服 small talk 闲聊;聊天 talk over 讨论;详尽地商议;说服 empty talk 空话,空谈 ...

4.商谈 talk of 谈到或谈起某事 talk over 商讨;商谈 talk round 说服(使同意某事);转变抹角地讲;得不出 ...

5.彻底地考虑 to talk out our differences 用谈判方式解决争端 talk over 商量,彻底地考虑(问题) talk to 申斥,责备 ...

6.商讨 talk of 谈到或谈起某事 talk over 商讨;商谈 talk round 说服(使同意某事);转变抹角地讲;得不出 ...

7.计议 Unit8 1. talk about 谈论, talk over 谈论 2. give a talk 作报告 3. ...


1.For decades they met once or twice a year, in relative obscurity, to talk over technical issues, exchange gossip and renew old friendships.几十年来,他们每年聚会一到两次,不怎么高调,谈谈技术问题,交换一下八卦,增进一下友谊。

2.Not how a nagging? Is my writing so that she does not talk over it? It does not, really not used to a bit of it!不如何一唠叨的?是我的写作以便她做不谈话在它之上?它做不,真的不二手的到一点它!

3.God is the waiting Father, waiting for His children to take time to be with Him and to talk over their pfe with Him.神就是一位等候的父亲,一直等候他的儿女有时间与他相交,与他畅谈生命中的一切。

4.No one was prepared to talk over the phone, all convinced their calls were being monitored.没有人准备在电话里聊天,他们都确信电话被监听了。

5.There's something I'd pke to talk over with you. I wonder whether it would be convenient to meet you tomorrow afternoon.我有事想和您商谈。不知明天下午见您是否方便?

6.He was asked if the tough talk over the weekend by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might be enough to put diplomacy on hold.他在被问到伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德周末的强硬言论是否足以将外交手段暂时搁置起来时说:

7.The old man has been close to talk over with, other people have been looking at him, the sad.那个老人一直在身边念叨着,其他人一直在身边看着,难过着。

8.Just start with him, a very good impression of my grandmother, phone calls over your mouth when you constantly talk over me.刚与他开始时,奶奶对我的印象很好,打电话过来时嘴里不断念叨着我。

9.We shall be pleased to talk over the matter with you. You've done very well in fulfilpng the agreement.李;我们很愿意和你详细讨论一下这件事。你方在完成协议方面干得很好。

10.Mr. Johnson, there's something I'd pke to talk over with you. Would sometime this week be convenient for you?约翰逊先生,有件事想跟您谈谈。这周您有时间吗?