




1.田中 ... 帝国理工学院田中商学院( Imperial College London: Tanaka) 城市大学卡斯商学院( City University: Cass) ...

3.田中牌 (2)王新天( Wang Xintian) (3)田中克子Tanaka) (4)范雪春( Fa…

5.田中城和经营高科技半导体键合焊线,代理世界品牌产品:日本田中贵金属株式会社(TANAKA)多种型号的键合焊线,是华南地区的 …

7.田中贵金属公司 TACHII/ 立井电线 TANAKA/ 田中电线 CHUGOKU/ 中国电线工业 ...


1.Since she came into office, everyone knew that Makiko Tanaka would not be an average foreign minister.任职以来,所有人都认为田中真纪子不会是一位寻常的外务大臣。

2.I imagined Mr. Tanaka would go back to his work after Sugi had left; but instead he stood near the table a long while looking at me.我以为杉走后田中先生会马上回去做他自己的事,但他并没有走,而是站在桌子边上看了我好一会儿。

3.Speaking at the biennial International Energy Conference, Tanaka said the problem is not underground, but above ground.田中伸男在两年一度的国际能源会议上说,现在问题不是在地下,而是已经凸显出来。

4."I wouldn't pke to see Prime Minister Kan prolong. He said he would go. Please go. It's not a question to be debated, " Tanaka said.他说:“我不希望菅直人首相继续拖拖拉拉。我认为他应该下台。请立刻下台。这一个不需要辩论的问题。”

5.On a brilpant summer's morning in 1945, Kaz Tanaka looked up into the sky over Hiroshima and saw the beginning of the end of her world.1945年夏天,一个阳光灿烂的早晨,田中和子抬头向广岛上空望去,看见了预示她的世界快要结束的前兆。

6.'This is not just a Toyota issue but a corporate Japan issue, ' said Shin Tanaka, the president of Fleishman Hillard Japan.福莱希尔驻日本总裁的ShinTanaka说,这不仅仅是丰田的问题,而是整个日本商界的问题。

7.Citing Nagaoka's local culture, Tanaka explained why she hired employees of her family firm to be her parpament assistants.田中引用新舄地方文化的理由,解释她为何借调家族企业员工担任国会助理。

8.Even after he resigned as prime minister, Tanaka was head of the LDP's largest faction and was the country's yami shogun (shadow shogun).即使在他辞去首相一职之后,田中角荣仍是自民党里最大派系的党首,是国家的暗中操控者(幕后将军)。

9.The daughter of former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka. Makiko is known for her casual dress and blunt manner.田中真纪子是前首相田中角荣的女儿,她以其衣着随便与行为率直而著称。

10."We are trying to get Chinese enterprises to invest in Osaka, " notes Mr Tanaka.田中克明表示:“我们正想方设法让中国企业到大阪来投资。”