





4.完成设计定案当地IC设计业者的65奈米特殊应用晶片(ASIC)完成设计定案(tape-out)数量,已是台湾业者的2倍,所以晶圆双雄转投资的设计 …

5.减化高密度芯片下线r Bptz 兼俱速度、容量、与效率,可以显著地减化高密度芯片下线(tape-out)的工时和达成高质量的要求。」

6.出磁带给光罩公司,准备制作布局的光罩,这个步骤通常称为“出磁带”(tape-out )。

7.出带本文将探讨在出带(tape-out)运作方面目前和未来的设计自动化前景,并分析了设计公司和芯片制造商采用越来越不同的设计自 …


1.DOGGETT ejects the tape out of the recorder and looks at it.道格特从录像机中退出了带子看着它。

2.At present it is unknown which chips will AMD attempt to tape-out in the second quarter of 2011.目前它是未知的芯片将AMD公司试图带出在2011年第二季度。

3.Another employee takes the tape out of cash register and records the cash receipts for the day.另一名工作人员将会取出收银机上的传送带,记录下当日的现金收据。

4.work directly with analog designers for layout-drawing, floor-plan, layout review, packaging and chip tape-out.参与版图设计布局,跟踪芯片的流片及产品封装;

5.I pulled that tape out and pstened for this new bird song, but I couldn't find any that matched my pudgy , shy friend.我将那盘磁带拉出来,仔细聆听这种陌生鸟儿的歌声,但我无法找到任何与我这只胖嘟嘟腼腆朋友相匹配的地方。

6.She borrowed the books you read on tape out of the pbrary, and followed what she heard, word by word and sentence by sentence.她从图书馆里借了你磁带中朗读的那些书,跟着她听到的内容一字一字,一句一句学的。

7.Oh shit, I forgot, how'm I supposed to send this tape out?喔该死,我忘了,我该怎麽把这盘磁带寄出去啊?。

8.Experience in technical support pertaining to tape-out technology is preferred;有流片技术支持经验者优先;