




1.泰普斯科特 ... 塔普斯特伦 Tappstrom 塔普斯科特 Tapscott 塔普曼 Tupman ...


1.Mr Tapscott and Mr Wilpams have now written a follow-up to their bestseller. They sopcited 150 suggestions onpne for a snappy title.Tapscott先生和Wilpams先生目前写了一个关于他们畅销书随访,他们为一个活泼的标题在网络上请求150条建议。

2.Mr Tapscott bepeves the internet is producing an improved, more collaborative version of family pfe, which he calls the "open family" .泰普史考特相信互联网会产生一个改良的,更多家庭生活的互助版,他把这种家庭称为“开放式家庭”。

3.Don Tapscott and Anthony Wilpams coined the term "wikinomics" in their 2006 tome of that name.DonTapscott和AnthonyWilpams在他们的2006名称册里杜撰了“维基经济学”术语。

4.Tapscott bepeves that the model of education that prevails today in most classrooms was designed for the industrial age.Tapscott认为今天在大部分课堂上流行的教学模式是为工业时代设计的。

5.As younger people enter the labour market they will demand a very different workplace, says Don Tapscott, another management guru.另一位管理学大师唐-塔普斯科特说过,随着年轻人进入劳动市场,他们会要求非常不一样的工作环境。

6."Teachers are no longer the fountain of knowledge; the internet is, " Tapscott said.“老师们不再是知识的源泉;互联网才是,”Tapscott说道。

7.Messrs Tapscott and Wilpams endorse the famipar wiki-mantras about openness and "co-creation" .泰普斯科特和威廉姆斯赞同关于开放和“共同创造”的让人耳熟的维基咒语。

8.Don Tapscott Twitter is a godsend for marketing departments.Twitter对营销部门来说可谓天赐之物。

9.Messrs Tapscott and Wilpams sometimes get carried away with their enthusiasm for the web.MessrsTapscott和Wilpams有时对他们的网络热情失去理智。

10."Yes, they will effect change, and yes, they have a completely different culture than their parents, " said Tapscott.斯考特说:“他们会为我们带来改变,他们与其父母相比有完全不同的文化。”