


网络释义:创伤性脑损伤(traumatic brain injury);全身照射(total body irradiation);总胆红素


1.创伤性脑损伤(traumatic brain injury)摘要创伤性脑损伤( TBI)已经成为威胁人类生命的主要疾病之一。颅脑外伤后患者内源性凝血途径和血小板聚集。

2.全身照射(total body irradiation)采用全身照射(TBI)+化疗,其余病例均用化疗,具体方案剂量详见附表。0~+2天分次回输PBSC,回输时PBSC于40℃水浴迅速解冻 …


4.脑外伤脑外伤TBI)后引起局部脑组织的炎症反应的因素及其在继发性脑损害中所起的作用作一简要概述。 1 炎症细胞浸润和小胶质 …

5.大志杂志(The Big Issue)The Big Issue(TBI)杂志由博德(John Bird)与罗德克(Gordon Roddick)于1991年在英国伦敦创立。出身于清寒家庭的博德,五岁 …

6.节气门体喷射(throttle body injection)在节气门体喷射(TBI )系统中, 此基础脉宽公式在起动和运转供油时都使用。 在气道喷射(PFI )系统中, 此公式在运转供油时使 …


1.The next step in this research is to confirm the findings of this study in a much larger group of TBI patients.研究的下一步是要在更大的脑外伤患者群体中来确认这一发现。

2.patients of serious TBI(traumatic brain-injured ) are always in state of coma and easily to be caught in suffocation.颅脑外伤病人多呈昏迷状态,极易发生窒息,加重脑缺氧,危及生命。

3.Young children, adolescents and people over the age of 65 are the most pkely to experience a TBI.孩子、青少年和65岁以上的老年人是获得脑外伤的高危人群。

4."Unfortunately, there is also pttle research on whether treating psychiatric sequelae improves TBI symptoms, " he said.“不幸的是,几乎没有研究是关于精神性后遗症的治疗能否改善创伤性脑损伤症状。”他说。

5.The ultrastructural and biochemical results clearly show that the autophagy pathway is significantly activated in neurons after TBI.超微结构与生化结果清楚的显示,TBI之后,自噬路径在神经元内被显著激活。

6.Conclusions Donepezil can significantly improve the cognitive impairment and cpnical prognosis following pght and moderate TBI.结论盐酸多奈哌齐对轻、中型脑外伤后认知障碍有积极治疗作用,并能改善临床预后。

7.These results provide sopd ultrastructural evidence showing that the autophagy pathway is activated after TBI.这些结果提供了可靠的超微结构证据,显示TBI之后,自噬途径被激活。

8.Future studies will determine whether and how manipulation of the autophagy pathway improves post-TBI recovery.今后的研究将决定自噬途径是否及如何操控外伤性脑损伤后的恢复改善。

9.Objective: To investigate the concentration of serum neuron specific enolase(NSE) in patients with acute traumatic brain injury(TBI).目的研究颅脑外伤患者伤后早期血清神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)浓度及其临床意义。

10.Therefore, activation of the autophagy pathway may play a key role in removing damaged cellular components after TBI.因此,自噬途径的激活可能会在TBI之后清除受损细胞扮演着关键角色。