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网络释义:时分双工(Time Division Duplex);测试驱动开发(Test-Driven Development);分时双工


abbr.1.telecommunications device for the deaf

1.时分双工(Time Division Duplex)编辑本段时分双工TDD)简介编辑本段时分双工(TDD)的原理 是一种通信系统的双工方式,在移动通信系统中用于分离接 …

2.测试驱动开发(Test-Driven Development)测试驱动开发(tdd) 学习笔记(1)基本思想原则和术语(806) 测试驱动开发(tdd)学习笔记 (2) 工具,技术 junit(790) msql 备份(…

3.分时双工在分时双工TDD),上行及下行永远对称,因为他们共享相同的载波。要进一步考虑的是如图2所示的频带内对称,其与聚合 …

4.时分复用时分复用TDD);每一条启用了TDD特性的链路都要求PTP-SYNC同步单元向提供一个精确的时 间参考信号。天线 集成式: …

5.测试驱动的开发由测试驱动的开发TDD)是一个循环,它从测试失败开始,然后是编写足够的代码通过测试,再是重整代码,使得代码在实 …


1.Though Bob starts with TDD, he seems to agree that to be a professional you need to have good unit tests.尽管Bob是以TDD开始说明,但他似乎同意专业化就是需要有良好的单元测试。

2.TDD is an iterative process and requires you to run the test cases after small incremental changes to the code during code development.TDD是一种迭代流程,需要您在代码开发中对代码做出细微增量式更改之后运行测试用例。

3.At the end, you said the hallmark of the professional is to have good unit tests, and TDD is one way of achieving that.最后,你又提到专业化的标志就是拥有良好的单元测试,而TDD则是达成这一目标的一种方法而已。

4.The normal TDD approach at this point is to stop testing and start fixing until the test passes.这时,标准的TDD方法是停止测试并且开始进行修改直到测试通过。

5.So, instead, I'm going to set up a game with an assumed internal data structure, and then TDD some methods that I expect to need. . .所以,我打算以一套假定的内部数据结构来构建游戏,然后并使用测试驱动开发来得到我认为应该会用得到的方法……

6.By introducing TDD and ATDD at least some of the testing happens as the software is developed.引入TDD和ATDD之后,最少有一部分测试会随着软件开发同步进行。

7.Therefore, we are ready to proceed from writing tests to writing code as the TDD approach dictates.因此,我们准备按TDD方法的规定,先编写测试,然后编写代码。

8.A week is not enough data to extrapolate the effectiveness of TDD on a multi-month or multi-year project.一个星期所产出的数据是没法衡量在长达数月或是数年的项目中TDD的效用的。

9.First, I'll turn off the part of my brain that wants to do TDD and just write the solution, then write the tests for it.首先,我将打消想要执行TDD的念头并且只是编写解决方案,然后为它编写测试。

10.This method clearly violates this heuristic, so I'm going to take another stab at it, this time using TDD.此方法明显地违背了这条经验,因此我将进行另外一种尝试,这次使用TDD。