


美式发音: [tek] 英式发音: [tek]


网络释义:东芝;半导体制冷器(Thermal Electronic Cooler );技术(Technology)




n.1.<slang>Same as detective

na.1.The variant of tech

1.东芝 易腾迈 Intermec 东芝 TEC 台半 TSC ...

2.半导体制冷器(Thermal Electronic Cooler )...汶川地震前,中国上空的电离层出现明显扰动,电离层总电子含量TEC)明显增加。 ......从5月5日到15日的电离层扰动, …


1.Simulation results demonstrate that the equivalent circuit approach is an effective tool for the quaptative analysis of TEC.采用等效电路模拟对于TEC的设计、优化和应用控制是一种有效的方法。

2.The path of laser scanning is one of the key tec hn ologies in selective laser sintering (SLS).激光扫描路径是选择性激光烧结系统(SLS)的关键技术之一。

3.The analysis of the micro-robot's movement room is always the key tec hnique in the research of the robot.对微动机器人的工作空间的分析一直是机器人研究中关键技术之一。

4.Methods The human thyroid epithepum cells(TEC) from para-adenoma normal tissues of patients with thyroid adenoma were cultured.方法取良性甲状腺腺瘤手术中的腺瘤旁正常甲状腺组织进行细胞培养。

5.in vertebrates are a visual center and identified synaptic nature, transmitters and receptors in the tec to-isthmic system.我们发现脊椎动物的峡核是视觉中枢,并鉴定了它与顶盖之间的突触性质、递质和受体。

6.The results show that the accuracy of the method is sufficient in studying the ionospheric disturbances.结果表明,利用该方法计算TEC的精度可满足电离层振动现象的研究。

7.The results show that the crucial factors for imaging quapty are carrier frequency, band width and TEC (total electron content).结果表明:雷达工作频率、带宽以及路径电子总量(TEC)是影响成像质量的决定因素。

8.Electronic Shandong occupation Tec has 28 years of school history.山东电子职业技术学院已有28年办学历史。

9.Precise information on the ionospheric Total Electron Content ( TEC ) can be quickly provided by using GPS (Global Positioning System) .全球定位系统(GPS)可以快速、准确地提供电离层总电子含量(TEC)信息。

10.Eco-Tec Asia(Beijing)Co. , Ltd is a proprietorship set up in China. It acts as main business window for Eco-Tec Asia in China.北京科太亚洲生态科技有限公司是亚洲生态在华设立的独资子公司,是亚洲生态主要的在华业务窗口。