



美式发音: [tuθ] 英式发音: [tuːθ]




复数:teeth  搭配同义词

v.+n.extract tooth,tooth brush,put tooth,pull tooth,get tooth

adj.+n.front tooth,gold tooth





n.1.one of the hard white objects inside your mouth that you use for biting and for chewing food2.one of a row of narrow pointed parts that form the edge of a tool or machine3.the necessary power and authority to be effective or to make people obey you

1.牙齿 woman / women 女人 tooth / teeth 牙齿 goose / geese 鹅 ...

2.张牙舞爪 07. So Happy I Could Die / 死而无憾 08. Teeth / 张牙舞爪 05. I Like It Rough / 我心狂野 ...

3.齿数 孔径( Outer diameter) 齿数Teeth) 刀口宽度( Blade width) ...

4.阴齿 ... Tearhaunch-Greaves( 泪之臀-护胫) teeth男巫的牙技能) Templar's Might-Sacred Armor( 圣堂武士的力量-神 …

6.牙齿复数 tooth 牙齿单数 teeth 牙齿复数 bag 书包 ...


1.I arrived home with my teeth chattering uncontrollably and was told to go right straight to bed.当我到家的时候,我上下牙止不住地打颤,被要求直接上床休息。

2.Chenayya woke up when it got too hot, then brushed his teeth lazily, looking up to see if kites were flying in the sky.他懒洋洋地刷了牙,抬牙看了看天上有没有风筝在飞。

3."Don't you know I'm one of you? " asked the bat, showing his teeth.“难道你们不知道我是你们的成员之一吗?”蝙蝠露出牙齿问。

4.Qinghe had come to say sorry to Hongfei for her mother, but then she could not control her trembpng teeth and pps. She nearly broke down.青河原本是要请求红飞原谅她妈妈来学校闹事,可是此时她上下牙控制不住地敲打,嘴唇发抖,她真的有点崩溃了。

5.We grow out of having short bandy legs and no teeth. We would also grow out of having a naked skin if it proved to be a disadvantage.我们出生时都是四肢短小、没有牙齿,如果没有毛发是个缺点的话,那么我们出生时也会如此。

6.He knew that it would come again-the darkness was full of demons crouching, waiting to worry him with their teeth again.他知道它还会卷土重来--黑暗里到处都潜伏着恶魔,它们正等着再一次用牙齿来折磨他。

7.You feel something hard rolpng around in your mouth and spit it out, only to discover it is one of your own teeth.你感觉到什么硬硬的东西在嘴里滚来滚去,然后你把它吐出来一看,原来是你的某颗牙齿。

8.It had a beak and tiny teeth only on the side of its mouth.它长有喙,嘴的侧部有一些细小的牙齿。

9.Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. My dentist just pull out one of my teeth.牙医总是在你不可能回答的时候问些问题,我的牙医刚拨了我的一颗牙齿,他告诉我休息一下。

10.He sunk his teeth into the crocodile's nose, one of the few soft places on th reptile's body, and it let go of him.这位商人用牙齿咬这条爬行动物身体上的一处稍软的地方——鼻子,这使鄂鱼松开了他。