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1.德黑兰 Iran 伊朗, Teheran 德黑兰 Japan 日本, ...

2.伊朗首都 centrifuge 离心分离机 Teheran 德黑兰,伊朗首都 incentive 动机 ...

3.德黑兰-选自近代卷 Tegernsee 特杰恩泽 Teheran 德黑兰-选自近代卷 Teheran 德黑兰 ...

4.德黑兰-选自现代卷 Teheran 德黑兰 Teheran 德黑兰-选自现代卷 Tehuantepec 特万特佩克 ...

5.德黑兰天气预报 伊朗 Iran 徳黒兰 Teheran 伊拉克 Iraq ...


1.They were taken to a walled compound outside Teheran where guards said they were not allowed to leave "for their own safety" .他们被带到德黑兰郊外的一个四面筑有高墙的围地,那里的看守说“出于安全考虑”禁止他们离开此地。

2.And Iran's foreign minister threatens to resume Teheran's uranium enrichment program if talks with European Nations in London fail.伊朗外长威胁说,如果在伦敦举行的伊朗与欧洲各国进行的会谈失败,伊朗会重新启动德黑兰铀浓缩计划。

3.Teheran Radio said the Iranian Revolutionary Army, having dealt recent crushing blows to Iraq.德黑兰电台说,已经在最近重创了伊拉克的伊朗革命军。

4.Such was the fragile state of Itapan affairs when I set out for Cairo and Teheran.这就是在我动身前往开罗和德黑兰时意大利的那种风雨飘摇的局面。

5.And he warned Teheran it faces ever increasing sanctions if it refuses to suspend nuclear enrichment.并且他警告德黑兰:如果拒绝暂停核武器研发,它将面临不断增加的制裁。

6.A few days ago a conference of the leaders of the three Alped nations - Roosevelt, Stapn, and Churchill - took place at Teheran.三位盟国领导人——罗斯福、斯大林和丘吉尔数天前在德黑兰举行了一次会议。

7.Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed.一个德黑兰青年,由于厌倦了在地板上睡觉,积攒了多年买了一张真正的床。

8.TIRED of sleeping on floor , a young man in TEHERAN saved up for years to buy a real bed .一个德黑兰年轻人厌倦了睡地板,用节省了多年的钱买了一张真正的床。

9.Stapn was insistent that this should take place at Teheran.斯大林坚持这个会议应在德黑兰举行。

10.An Iran appellate court Teheran Mayor which suspension Bandy- legged its prison term from five years is reduced is two years.伊朗一家上诉法庭把被停职的德黑兰市长卡巴其的刑期从五年减为两年。