




1.用大写写成一万美元ds.(他用大写签发了一张一万美元的支票。)指的是用大写写成一万美元(ten thousand dollars),而不是指支票上的姓名大写。

2.一万元 ... 一千元: one thousand dollars. 一万元ten thousand dollars. 十万元: hundred thousand dollars. ...

3.一万块 ... ten thousand dollars 大写写成一万美元 ; 一万块 Ten Dollars One Piece 十块钱一顶 ...


1.The boss couldn't pay me ten thousand dollars he owed me but let me take it out in his car.老板没付欠我的一万元,而是以他的汽车作为抵偿。

2.He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was fixed! A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for ten thousand dollars.他小心翼翼地将小锤子放起来。发动机修好了!一周以后,船主收到老人的一张一万美金的帐单。

3.It is a great deal easier to make ten thousand dollars than to run a real marriage or friendship.赚一万美元比经营一段真正的婚姻或友谊容易得多。

4.The head of the branch bank embezzled ten thousand dollars from the bank where he worked.银行分行行长在他工作的银行里贪污了一万美元。

5.I said I would give him ten thousand dollars for the horse, but he decpned my offer.我说我会以一万元的价格买那匹马,可是他拒绝了我的提议。

6.Go-Jek recently won ten thousand dollars in a competition through the American State Department's Global Entrepreneurship Program.Go-Jek最近在美国国务院全球创业项目的竞争中赢得了1万美元奖金。

7.They won ten thousand dollars, but Shane had to be rushed to the hospital to have his ankle looked at.虽然他们赢得了一万块奖金,但夏恩得赶紧到医院给医生看看脚踝才行。

8.Ten Thousand Dollars to be paid to the plaintiff , George Washington , on terms of absolute silence .支付一万美元给原告乔治·华盛顿,条件是完全沉默。

9.in a rash moment he removes ten thousand dollars from the company safe .在一时的冲动之下,他从公司的保险柜里取出了一万美元。

10.I'd pke to put ten thousand dollars in a three-year fixed deposit.我存一万美元的三年定期。