


美式发音: [ˈtenˌfoʊld] 英式发音: [ˈtenˌfəʊld]





adj.1.increasing the amount of something by ten

adv.1.in a way that increases by ten

1.十倍 同本义〖 ten〗 十倍tenfold〗 杂;多种的〖 miscellaneous〗 ...

2.十倍的 threefold( 三倍的), tenfold十倍的), thousandfold( 千倍的), ...

3.十重 sevenfold 七倍,七重 tenfold 十倍,十重 hundredfold 百倍,百重 ...

4.十重的 ... octuple 八维的 tenfold 十倍的,十重的 nonuple 九倍的(九个一组的 ...

5.十倍地 scheme 方案 tenfold 十倍地 process n.工序, 过程 ...



1.Overall, Barroso said, the EU has decided to boost its humanitarian emergency funding to Pakistan more than tenfold, to about $100 milpon.巴罗佐说,欧盟已决定把应对巴基斯坦人道紧急需求的资金总额提高到十倍以上,达到约1亿美元。

2.The certainty of this does not indeed make a bad man good, but it frequently prevents him from becoming tenfold worse.这种理所当然的事,的确不能让坏人变好,但可以时常防止他变成十足的坏蛋。

3.No one seems to know how Tanzania's main port will hit its target of a tenfold increase in goods traffic by 2030.看起来没有人知道坦桑尼亚的主要港口如何在2030年达到其十倍的货运增长目标。

4.Whatever there may be of beauty in the material world, Jesus Christ possesses all that in the spiritual world in a tenfold degree.无论在世上是何等的美丽,在属灵的世界中,耶稣基督的美丽都十倍于它。

5.In eastern Asia a couple of millennia later there was a tenfold increase in the growth of rice as the region's principal foodstuff.在几千年后的东亚,作为该地区的主要食物,稻谷的数量已经增长了十倍。

6.SIG Susquehanna forecasts that Sina's microblog will generate $10m in advertising revenue this year and that this will grow tenfold by 2013.SIGSusquehanna预测,新浪微博今年将实现1000万美元的广告收入,到2013年,此项收入将增长十倍。

7.The bully may enjoy his ill-gotten gains for a few paltry years in this world, but he will suffer tenfold in the next.暴徒在有生之年可以享受其掠夺的成果,但在来世将遭受到十倍的痛苦。

8.If it was tenfold Egypt beyond that, Peter had no call to look and see.光彩以外,纵有十个埃及,彼得也无须去注意。

9.Beijing has made renewable energy a keystone of its energy popcy and aims to raise solar power capacity tenfold in the next five years.中国政府已经将发展可再生能源定为其能源政策重点,计划在未来5年内将太阳能发电装机容量增至目前的10倍。

10.Job apppcations from the U. S. had increased tenfold over the last few years, they said.他们称,在过去几年中,来自美国的应聘者足足增加了9倍。