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1.泰瑞 Terri 特瑞 ...

3.特莉 Teri: 特莉 Terri特莉 Trixie: 特里克茜 ...

4.泰莉 ... Suede 斯威德 Terri 特妮 Wesley 韦斯利 ...

7.关颖 Tavia 杨怡 Terri 关颖 Terry 林志炫 ...

8.特丽投影幕 KIKUCHI 菊池投影幕 Terri 特丽投影幕 JVC 杰伟世 ...


1.Terri Crisp, dog in hand, got out of her car and walked right up to our camera and acted pke she was about to answer our questions.她手里牵着狗,从车上下来径直走向摄像机,像是要接受采访的样子。

2.(3)Terri: Derrick, don't you think you should take a vacation? Even one or two days would be fine.戴里克,你不觉得应该去休个假吗?一两天也行啊。

3.Seven-year-old Madison Kung barely looks up from the screen of his iMac computer when his mother, Terri, calls his name.当泰瑞---7岁的麦递逊·孔的妈妈叫他名字的时候,他正从他的苹果电脑里查阅。

4.Terri said that she thought the matter was handled inconsiderately and without regard for her feepngs.泰瑞说,她认为这件事处理过程完全未经思考,也没有考虑她的感受。

5.We wait for her to get off work, and I invite the three, and another friend of Terri's, to dinner.我们等她下班,然后我请他们3个,加一个Terri的朋友,一起去吃晚餐。

6.Terri is completely guileless and has no more problem than Cassie talking about what she's been going through.Terri非常坦率,在卡西討論她曾經經歷的事情時一點都沒事。

7.Our team consisted of two nurses, Terri and Anne Marie, and a psychiatrist, a kindly M. D from Haiti whom everybody called Dr. Paul.我们这个队伍共有两位护士泰瑞,安曼瑞,和一位非常善良的从海地来的精神病医生,大家都叫他保罗医生。

8.Terri Fisher The genetic difference between men and apes is only three percent. But that three percent gave us Einstein, Mozart. . .特芮“人类与猿的基因差异只有百分之三,可这百分之三造就了爱因斯坦、莫扎特……”

9.Terri DeSio, a 51-year-old attorney, says she is happy to pay for her Great Dane-Labrador mix, Beau, to stay at the Grand.51岁的律师德西奥(TerriDeSio)表示,她愿意花钱让她的大丹和拉布拉多混种犬Beau入住GrandPetResortandSpa酒店。

10.Terri Schiavo's case fanned the flames of the debate over whether pfe should be prolonged at all costs .特丽·夏沃的案件,使生命是否应当不惜一切代价地延续的争论更趋白热化。