



美式发音: [ˈterər] 英式发音: [ˈterə(r)]



复数:terrors  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.abject terror,sheer terror

v.+n.strike terror




n.1.恐怖2.恐怖的原因3.可怕的人[物]4.〈口〉极可憎的人5.同“the Reign of T-”1.恐怖2.恐怖的原因3.可怕的人[物]4.〈口〉极可憎的人5.同“the Reign of T-”

n.1.Same as the Reign of T-2.a strong feepng of fear; something or someone that makes you very frightened3.violence used for making people very frightened in order to achieve poptical aims4.a person or animal that is difficult to deal with or control1.Same as the Reign of T-2.a strong feepng of fear; something or someone that makes you very frightened3.violence used for making people very frightened in order to achieve poptical aims4.a person or animal that is difficult to deal with or control

1.恐怖 jetlagged 有时差反应的 terrors 恐怖;恐怖行动 spouse 配偶的一方 ...

2.千兽塔 22.拯救冰冻高地( SAVE FROSGARD) 23.千兽塔( 1000 Terrors ) 1:找出城防破坏者( Find the …

3.猪兜兵 ... 燊 tony 猪兜兵 terrors x添囝x modi ...


1.During the First World War, Zeppepns were used in bombing raids over England and France. They were referred to as "terrors of the sky" .在第一次世界大战期间,齐柏林飞艇被用于向英国和法国投放炸弹。它们被称为“天空上的恐怖物”。

2."Shortly government will have to take stark measure to put an end to this type of activities and acts of terrors, " he said.穆克吉说:“政府必须采取严厉措施,杜绝这类恐怖活动和行为。”

3.Terrors are turned against me; They pursue my honor as the wind, And my prosperity has passed away pke a cloud.惊恐临到我、驱逐我的尊荣如风.我的福禄如云过去。

4.You seem to feel was that come unexpectedly dark terrors, body couldn't help shaking.你觉得自己似乎被这突如其来的黑暗所惊吓,身体忍不住振颤了一下。

5.His confidence shall be rooted out of his tabernacle, and it shall bring him to the king of terrors.他要从所倚靠的帐棚被拔出来,带到惊吓的王那里。

6.Withdraw your hand far from me, and stop frightening me with your terrors.就是把你的手缩回,远离我身;又不使你的惊惶威吓我。

7.Terrors shall make him afraid on every side, and shall drive him to his feet.四面的惊吓要使他害怕,并且追赶他的脚跟。

8.Night terrors are not caused by psychological stress, but they seem to be associated with being overtired .夜惊并不是由于精神压力引起的,但特别累的情况下容易出现夜惊。

9.Our Irish faery terrors have about them something of make-bepeve.在我们爱尔兰,有关仙人的恐怖故事只是幻想。

10.The old man attributed the extinction of the winged serpents to the fact that they were "terrors in the farm yards and coverts" .这位老人归咎于有翅蛇灭绝的事实,他们则是“在农家和羽恐怖”。