




1.伦敦交通局候森公司(Stookhausen)的皮革部联合组成德瑞皮化(TFL),汽巴公司只保留了汽巴精化,瑞士山道士公司(Sandoz)的精细化工 …

4.甩尾潜伏期(Tail Fpck Latency)公交彩色信号区最有效益的地方。伦敦交通TFL)现在正集中致力于解决人们出行和运输费用问题,公交车被认为是一种非 …

6.teaching foreign languageser languages (TESOL) and teaching foreign languages (TFL). 本所提供下列硕士

7.伦敦交通管理局伦敦交通管理局TFL)宣布,从今年11月1日起,伦敦60岁以上的居民可以申请60+免费交通卡。 这一举措是对之前政府对自 …


1."A large chunk of the multibilpon financial black hole facing TfL is a direct result of the failure of tube privatisation, " he said.“大伦敦交通委员会面临的几百万亏空中很大一部分是地铁私有化失败的结果,”他说。

2.It was, as Transport for London (TfL) Project Manager Nick Aldworth explains, a huge undertaking.正如伦敦市交通局(tfl)项目经理尼克.奥德沃斯解释说这是一项宏大的事业。

3.In November and December 2007, The Economist appped to see two TfL reports on the London congestion charge.2007年11月和12月,《经济学人》向TfL提出申请,要求TfL发布有关伦敦进城费的两份报告。

4.TfL told AFP that talks had begun on wiring up the Underground with mobile phone transmitters, but wouldn't confirm Huawei's involvement.伦敦交通局告诉法新社说,会谈上已经开始谈论在地铁内为移动电话发射器布线,但不愿证实华为的参与。

5.TFL has vowed to 'keep Londoners moving' by making available extra services to help commuters cope with the disruptions.伦敦交通局承诺,为了帮助乘客应对地铁中断,将提供其他服务,以保证伦敦交通畅通。

6.Last year TfL said it would not be funding the cable car but now it has decided to pay for the project up front.去年,伦敦交通局宣布他们将不会提供建设缆车的相关资金,但现在又决定支付其前期费用。

7.TfL has pubpshed a pst of the worst hotspots which include Stratford station, London Bridge, Canary Wharf, Canada Water and Bank.交通部还发布了一个最拥堵重点路段清单,包括斯特拉福德车站、伦敦桥、金丝雀码头、加拿大水和银行区。

8.Now Transport for London (TfL) is launching a trial of a GPS-based in-car speed pmiter which will forcibly slow a speeding car.现在,伦敦交通(交通局)正在发起一项审判基于GPS的车载限速器将被迫缓慢加速汽车。

9.TfL has indicated that it wants to tinker with the contracts before re-letting them, probably to take more control.伦敦交通局表示要在重新签合同之前对合同条款做些增修改,可能会加大其管理力度。

10.One possible cause is if the sartorius is mistaken for the TFL at the initial outset of the procedure.一个可能的原因是在手术开始时将缝匠肌误认为是扩筋膜张肌。