


网络释义:Trimble Geomatics Office; 热生长氧化物; 通辽


1.Trimble Geomatics Office TEN-- 铜仁 TGO-- 通辽 THR-- 德黑兰 ...

4.热生长氧化膜薄膜阻碍氧向合金基体扩散,促进合金的选择氧化,降低热生长氧化膜(TGO)的生长速率,使TGO层与涂层构成新的层状复合 …

5.多哥(Togo) 乍得/ TCD 多哥/ TGO 泰国/ THA ...

6.热生长氧化层阐述了影响热障涂层性能的3种主要因素,分析了热障涂层由于热生长氧化层(TGO)的存在而引起的失效机制。指出了等离子喷涂 …


1.TGO: She absolutely did not shoot you, and I completely expected it!她根本没有用箭射你,而且我完全预料到了这一点!

2.You know certain things doesn'tgo uh with other things aesthetically.你知道有些东西和别的东西就美学而言是不搭调的。

3.I have made it clear to you that I won'tgo to his party.我已经给你讲清楚了我不会参加他的聚会的。

4.Thvia's why Bella can'tgo on a hunting trip with him.这就是为什么他不能带上贝拉一起去狩猎远足的因由。

5.Cultivate the happy side of pfe. don'tgo around with a gloomy melancholy attituade.发掘生活幸福的一面吧,不要阴阴沉沉,忧忧郁郁地活着。

6.Frankly, the sons' recreational and food habits are not uncommon, and we wouldn'tgo overboard with disapproval.坦白地说,儿子们的娱乐和饮食习惯也不少见,我们不能极端反对。

7.Mr. White won'tgo to England next month.怀特先生下个月不去英国。

8.Peter can'tgo out and play until he finishes his homework.彼得直到完成他的家庭作业才能出去玩。

9.She didn'tgo to the cinema last Sunday, neither did I.上星期天她去看电影了,我也是。

10.Theydidn'tgo away till the rain stopped.直到雨停他们才离去。