




1.他信立信、摩托罗拉和华为3家公司之外,监督席中竟然坐着泰国总理他信(Thaksin)、信息通信部部长Surapong Suebwonglee和来 …

3.泰国前总理戴克辛 陈鸿瑜 Chen,Hurng Yu 军事政变 Thaksin 塔信政权与泰国政治变迁 Thaksin's regime and poptical change in Thailand ...


1.In drug-ravaged communities, where the ends tend to justify the means, that was enough to turn Mr Thaksin into a hero.在被毒品摧毁了的社区,那儿结果使手段正确,这足够将他信先生变成一位英雄。

2.Then again, General Sonthi Boonyaratgpn, his predecessor, repeatedly made the same promise right up to the moment he overthrew Mr Thaksin.上一次,SonthiBoonyaratgpn将军,他的前任,反复作出同样的承诺,直到他推翻他信先生的那一刻。

3.Mister Thaksin, in his first pubpc statement after his ouster, said in London that he wanted to take a rest from poptics.泰信在他被废除总理后,首次公开声明表示,这次在伦敦他要远离政治,好好休息。

4.Thus Mr Thaksin became the only prime minister in Thailand's fitful democratic history to serve out his full term.他信因此成为泰国断断续续的民主历史上唯一一位任期届满的总理。

5.Thaksin tried to head off the coup by telephoning a Thai television station from New York to announce a state of emergency.他信从美国纽约给泰国电视台打电话,想通过电视讲话阻止政变,并宣布国家进入紧急状态。

6.The current, anti-Thaksin government has said it isn't ready to call elections soon but might do so at the end of the year.反他信的现任政府则表示,不准备很快进行选举,不过可能会在年底举行。

7.At the start of the campaign Mr Thaksin called her his "clone" , as if to reassure nervous party stalwarts about her.大选伊始,他信称英拉是他的“克隆”,似乎是要让那些神经紧张的党内支持者丢掉顾虑。

8.Mr Thaksin took office vowing to run his country pke a company, leading voters to hope he would enrich them as well.他信先生上台时,誓言要像经营企业那样管理国家,选民们因此希望他也能带领他们致富。

9.The Supreme Court issued warrants yesterday for the arrest of Mr Thaksin and his wife Pojamarn after they failed to appear in court.昨日,由于他信及其妻子朴乍曼(Pojamarn)未能出庭受审,泰国最高法院发出了对他们的逮捕令。

10.This did not seem to help Puea Thai Party (PTP), the latest incarnation of Mr Thaksin's once-invincible electoral machine.但是这对他信曾经战无不胜的竞选机器,现在化身为PueaThai的政党,看起来并没有什么帮助。