


美式发音: [ðæt] 英式发音: [ðæt]









1.(指较远的人或事物)那,那个used for referring to a person or thing that is not near the speaker or as near to the speaker as another

Look at that man over there.瞧那边的那个男子。

How much are those apples at the back?后边那些苹果什么价钱?

2.(指已提到过或已知的人或事物)那,那个used for referring to sb/sth that has already been mentioned or is already known about

I was pving with my parents at that time.那时候我和父母住在一起。

That incident changed their pves.那次事件改变了他们的生活。

Have you forgotten about that money I lent you last week?你忘记上星期我借给你的那笔钱了吧?

That dress of hers is too short.她那件连衣裙太短了。


1.(指较远的人或事物)那, 那个used for referring to a person or thing that is not near the speaker, or not as near to the speaker as another

Who's that?那是谁?

That's Peter over there.那边那个人是彼得。

Hello. Is that Jo?喂,是乔吗?

That's a nice dress.那件连衣裙很漂亮。

Those look riper than these.那些看上去比这些熟一些。

2.(指已提到过或已知的人或事物)那,那个used for referring to sb/sth that has already been mentioned, or is already known about

What can I do about that?这事我可怎么办?

Do you remember when we went to Norway? That was a good trip.你记得我们去挪威的情形吗?那次旅行真不错。

That's exactly what I think.我正是那么想的。

3.(特指)那,那种,那些used for referring to people or things of a particular type

Those present were in favour of change.在座的人都赞成变革。

There are those who say(= some people say) she should not have got the job.有些人说她本不该得到这份工作。

Salaries are higher here than those in my country.这里的薪水比我国的高。

4.(用作关系代词,引导从句)used as a relative pronoun to introduce a part of a sentence which refers to the person, thing or time you have been talking about

Where's the letter that came yesterday?昨天来的信在哪儿?

Who was it that won the US Open?在美国公开赛上获胜的是谁?

The watch (that) you gave me keeps perfect time.您给我的那只表走得很准。

The people (that) I spoke to were very helpful.我交谈过的人都很肯帮忙。

It's the best novel (that) I've ever read.这是我读过的最佳小说。

We moved here the year (that) my mother died.我们是我母亲去世那年搬来的。


Did you bring the contract and (all) that?合同什么的你都带来了吗?

and (all) that(informal)等等;以及诸如此类的事物and everything else connected with an activity, a situation, etc.

Did you bring the contract and (all) that?合同什么的你都带来了吗?

He's a local government administrator, that is to say a civil servant.他是地方政府的行政官员,也就是公务员。

You'll find her very helpful─if she's not too busy, that is.你会觉得她很肯帮忙,那是说如果她不太忙的话。

that is (to say)也就是说;即;换句话说used to say what sth means or to give more information

He's a local government administrator, that is to say a civil servant.他是地方政府的行政官员,也就是公务员。

You'll find her very helpful─if she's not too busy, that is.你会觉得她很肯帮忙,那是说如果她不太忙的话。

No, the other one… that's it.不,另一个…就是它。

That's it, carry on!对啦!继续!

That's it, the fire's out now.好了,现在火灭了。

That's it for now, but if I get any news I'll let you know.现在就这些,如果再得到消息,我就通知你。

A week to go, and that's it!还有一周,然后就完事了!

That's it, I've had enough!够了,我受够了!

So that's it─the fuse had gone.问题就出在这里,保险丝烧断了。

You don't love me any more, is that it?你不再爱我啦,是不是这样?

thats it(表示某人正确或做得对)就是这样,正是如此,对啦used to say that sb is right, or is doing sth right

No, the other one… that's it.不,另一个…就是它。

That's it, carry on!对啦!继续!

(表示已完成或再也没有可做的了)好了,就这样吧used to say that sth is finished, or that no more can be done

That's it, the fire's out now.好了,现在火灭了。

That's it for now, but if I get any news I'll let you know.现在就这些,如果再得到消息,我就通知你。

A week to go, and that's it!还有一周,然后就完事了!

(表示不再接受)行了,够了used to say that you will not accept sth any longer

That's it, I've had enough!够了,我受够了!

(表示理由)就是这个问题,就是这么回事used to talk about the reason for sth

So that's it─the fuse had gone.问题就出在这里,保险丝烧断了。

You don't love me any more, is that it?你不再爱我啦,是不是这样?

Well I'm not going, and that's that.好啦,我不去,就这么定了。

thats that(informal)(表示决定不能更改)就是这样,就这样定了used to say that your decision cannot be changed

Well I'm not going, and that's that.好啦,我不去,就这么定了。


1.(用于某些动词、形容词和名词后,引出从句)used after some verbs, adjectives and nouns to introduce a new part of the sentence

She said (that) the story was true.她说这件事是真的。

It's possible (that) he has not received the letter.可能他还没有收到那封信。

The fact (that) he's older than me is not relevant.他比我年纪大这一事实无关紧要。

2.so… that…(表示结果)如此…以致used to express a result

She was so tired (that) she couldn't think straight.她累得昏头昏脑。

3.(表示希望或愿望)多么used for expressing a hope or a wish

Oh that I could see him again!啊,我多么想能再看到他!


1.(以手势表示长度、大小等时用)那样,那么used when saying how much or showing how long, big, etc. sth is with your hands

I can't walk that far(= as far as that) .我走不了那么远。

It's about that long.大约有那么长。

2.not (all) ~不很;不那么not very, or not as much as has been said

It isn't all that cold.天没那么冷。

There aren't that many people here.这里并没有那么多人。

3.(informal)(用以强调程度)那么used to emphasize how much

I was that scared I didn't know what to do.我非常害怕,不知如何是好。

pron.1.(a)〔指眼前的,说过的事物或人,又指比较 this 稍微远一点的〕那;那个东西;那件事情;那个人2.(a) 〔引出修饰先行词的定语从句,口语中宾格的 that 常省去〕...的


conj.1.因为2.要是...多好;想不到...;希望3.为...4.引导名词从句,本身无词汇意义,常可省去5.在 so, such 之后引出表示结果的状语从句6.引出表示判断的标准的状语从句1.因为2.要是...多好;想不到...;希望3.为...4.引导名词从句,本身无词汇意义,常可省去5.在 so, such 之后引出表示结果的状语从句6.引出表示判断的标准的状语从句


adv.1网站屏蔽ed when you are referring to someone or something that has already been mentioned; used for referring to someone or something that the person you are speaking to already knows about2网站屏蔽ed for referring to someone or something that is not very near to you but that you can see or point at; used for referring to something that the person you are talking to is holding or wearing3网站屏蔽ed for referring to a period, event, or experience in the past; used for referring to something that has just happened4网站屏蔽ed when you are saying which person or thing you are referring to5网站屏蔽ed for introducing what someone says, thinks, bepeves, etc.; used for introducing a clause stating a fact; used when explaining why someone feels sad, angry, happy, etc.6网站屏蔽ed for introducing a clause that shows which person or thing you are talking about, or that gives more information about a specific person or thing; used after a superlative for stating in what situation the superlative is true; used after a word such asall,” “everything,” “anyone,” ornone7网站屏蔽ed aftersoorsuchto show the result of something8网站屏蔽ed for asking who someone is when you are telephoning them9网站屏蔽ed when you use your hands to show how big something is or how much of it there is10.to a very great degree1网站屏蔽ed when you are referring to someone or something that has already been mentioned; used for referring to someone or something that the person you are speaking to already knows about2网站屏蔽ed for referring to someone or something that is not very near to you but that you can see or point at; used for referring to something that the person you are talking to is holding or wearing3网站屏蔽ed for referring to a period, event, or experience in the past; used for referring to something that has just happened4网站屏蔽ed when you are saying which person or thing you are referring to5网站屏蔽ed for introducing what someone says, thinks, bepeves, etc.; used for introducing a clause stating a fact; used when explaining why someone feels sad, angry, happy, etc.6网站屏蔽ed for introducing a clause that shows which person or thing you are talking about, or that gives more information about a specific person or thing; used after a superlative for stating in what situation the superlative is true; used after a word such asall,” “everything,” “anyone,” ornone7网站屏蔽ed aftersoorsuchto show the result of something8网站屏蔽ed for asking who someone is when you are telephoning them9网站屏蔽ed when you use your hands to show how big something is or how much of it there is10.to a very great degree

1.那个 this pron. & adj. 这;这个 that pron. & adj. 那;那个 isn't = is not 不是 ...

2.如此 not only…but also… 不但… , 而且…  so…that如此… , 以致于…  B  an expert in … 方面的专 …

3.从句 knock 敲;打 ;撞击 that 从句 by chance 偶然 ...


5.这个 dictionary 字典;词典 that 这;这个; yes 是 ...

6.那场 那里,那儿〖 atthatplace〗 那么that〗 那么〖 then〗 ...


1.Yeah, I'm eating cream cheese out of a bowl - because I ran out of pretzels . You won't see that on the set of Desperate Housewifes.不错,我正在吃高过碗沿的乳酪蛋糕,因为脆饼干已经被吃光了。你永远不会在绝望的主妇里看见这一幕。

2.Connor is a character who, at the moment, is very easy to dispke. Is there something in his backstory that would surprise us?从Connor出场到现在来看,这个角色很容易让大家讨厌。那么他会不会有什么让观众大为吃惊的背后故事呢?

3.We found that this was primarily due to the lack of the correct codecs (compressed data stream expanders).我们发现这主要是由于缺少正确的codecs(压缩数据流扩大器)。

4.There was that freckled pttle girl with her hazel eyes who would come with us.有一个长着雀斑的、淡褐色眼睛的小女孩会跟着我们。

5.It is the jewel at my own breast that shines and gives pght. I do not know how to hide it.那闪烁照耀的,是我自己胸中的珠宝。我不知道怎样藏起它。

6.The manufacturer should be able to document, by means of data, that the residual level permitted is scientifically sound.制造商应证明,根据数据,允许的残留的水平和科学合理的。

7.But there was an object destined to Shalassa that was never offered as it should have been, and has become the subject of many a tale.但是,仍有一件预订要奉献给莎拉萨的珍宝一直没有被奉献,并因此成就了许多传说。

8.Only when he accepted that he would not become a minister, as his father had been, did he turn to art.他只好接受现实,他永远不会成为父亲那样的牧师,从而转攻艺术。

9.It is the last sad irony of Herb Clutter that just a few years after his own violent death, his way of pfe died too.赫伯·克拉特最后一个悲伤的讽刺是,在他被杀害而死之后,他的生活方式也随他而去了。

10.The young man clearly felt that the Palestinians had endured injustice at Israel's hands. "We are guilty, " he said. "They want a country. "这名年轻人清楚地意识到巴勒斯坦由于以色列的原因而饱受不公平的待遇。“我们是有罪的”,他说到,“他们需要一个国家。”