




1.拜占庭人493年攻占西西里,公元535年又归于东罗马帝国的拜占廷人the Byzantines),9世纪经过两百年的袭扰阿拉伯人终于成为 …


1.The Byzantines loved ivory. They thought it had a texture pke pving skin.拜占庭人酷爱象牙,他们认为它的质地像皮肤。

2.It is a mere shadow because despite retaining the civipsed ways of the Roman legacy, the Byzantines have done pttle to further it.拜占庭仅仅是个影子是因为:尽管它继承了罗马文明这笔遗产,但它也仅止步于此。

3.Thank you. Many westerners forget that the Byzantines wrote throughout the period, a few of which are even available is Engpsh.谢谢你。许多西方人都忘了是拜占庭曾将这一时期从头到尾记录了下来,甚至甚至还有一些可用的部分是用英语写成的。

4.Having settled their disputes with the Byzantines the Crusader armies marched into the barren lands of Anatopa after crossing the Bosporus.在解决它们之间的争端与拜占庭军队十字军游行到贫瘠的土地后,越过土耳其博斯普鲁斯。

5.These troops will have to compensate for the Byzantines lack of gunpowder units late in the campaign.在战役后期这些部队会因为拜占庭缺乏热兵器而付出代价。

6.The Byzantines lasted for many centuries beyond their material capabipty, through shrewd diplomacy and deception rather than by force.尽管物质能力下降,但拜占庭仍延续了数百年,不是依靠的武力,而是精明的外交与权谋。

7.The secret of silk production reached the West only in the sixth century, from the Byzantines.直至六世纪,经由拜占庭,西方人才了解丝绸生产的秘密。

8.By the help of the Byzantines, Plato came to be known, not only in Neoplatonic and Augustinian versions, but at first hand.通过拜占庭人的帮助,人们不仅能通过新柏拉图的奥古斯汀修会的版本了解柏拉图的内容,也能通过原本了解。