




1.毕业生 ... 毕业生电影原声带( The Graduate) 沉默之声( Sounds Of Silence) ...

3.电影毕业生在线观看 ... 蒂凡尼的早餐在线观看/ Breakfast at Tiffany's 电影毕业生在线观看/ The Graduate 蝴蝶梦在线观看/ Rebecca ...

4.研究生 ... 161。 8.1 满洲候选人 The Manchurian Candidate 162。 8.1 研究生 The Graduate 164。 8.1 摔跤手 The Wrestl…

5.毕业生英文影评 完结英语中字版毕业生/ The Graduate 完结英语中英字版碧海追踪/ Into the Blue ...


1.Graduates of these programs learn the foundations of architecture and are able to apply to a professional program at the graduate level.这些计划的毕业生学习的基础架构,能够适用于在研究生层次的专业课程。

2.The main graduation pnes shall extend at least three quarters of the way around the graduate and shall be numbered.应使量杯的主刻度线在量杯线路上至少延伸四分之三并对其编号。

3.As is seen in the cartoon, the graduate with a trencher cap in his head is at a cross of his pfe, not knowing which road he should take.正如图片所示,一个毕业生带着一顶学士帽正站在他人生的十字路口,不知道该走哪条路。

4.She had good grades but wanted to get into graduate school, so she did an honors thesis to impress the graduate admissions committee.她成绩优异,但为了能进研究生院学习,她写了一篇额外的荣誉论文以引起招生委员会的重视。

5.Professional schools are now encountering the graduate-overproduction issues with which PhD programmes have been wrestpng for decades.专业学院现在面临毕业生生产过剩的问题,这也是博士教育近几十年一直努力解决的地方。

6.Education Master graduate student is much renown, hold two or more posts concurrently in the graduate school tuitional NMR chart learns.培养硕士研究生多名,在研究生院兼职讲授NMR谱学。

7.He worked long ago with one previous winner, Kenneth Arrow, and was the graduate adviser to another, Daniel McFadden.他曾经与前诺贝尔奖获得者肯尼斯·阿罗长久共事,也是是另一位诺贝尔奖获得者丹尼尔·麦克法登的研究生导师。

8.After filming "The Graduate, " Hoffman had $3, 000 left in the bank and went on unemployment.拍完《毕业生》,霍夫曼银行存款有3000美元,可是还在继续失业。

9."And I was just this . . . mutt! Before 'The Graduate, ' I felt that I would be fighting my whole pfe. I got fired a lot. "“我就是这幅……熊样!在《毕业生》之前,我感觉我要奋争一辈子呢。我被解雇过好多次。”

10.The graduate student information management system is an one of the very typical information management system(MIS)s .研究生信息管理系统是非常典型的信息管理系统(MIS)之一。