




1.冥界 ... 4F -------- Underground-Cavern[ 地下-洞穴] 6F -------- The Underworld[ 地狱] 7F -------- Desert[ 沙漠] ...

4.地下世界 ... * Tok — against — 对抗 * Tuat — the underworld地下世界 * Tau'ri — humans of Earth, 地球人 ...

5.黑社会 ... ) the Dark Side 社会阴暗面 ) the underworld 黑社会 ) underworld organization 黑社会 ...

6.冥府 冥钞[ joss paper to be burnt for the dead] 冥府[ hades;the underworld] 冥迷[ daze;be vast and hazy] ...

7.黑夜传说系列 黑道 criminal ways 黑道 the underworld 黑颈鹤 Tibetan crane ...


1.Hades, god of the underworld, fell in love with Persephone, and he asked Zeus, the ruler of the gods, to give Persephone to him as his wife.冥王哈迪斯爱上了普西芬尼,于是请求众神之神宙斯把普西芬尼嫁给他做妻子。

2.Because of his association with the underworld, Hades is often thought of as a grim figure.由于他是冥界的掌管者,哈迪斯通常被认为是一个严酷的神。

3.Upon her return, she found that her lover Dumuzi had not been mourning and so she sentenced him to the underworld.她返回的时候,发现她的爱人杜穆兹并没有因此而悲恸,因此她宣判他到冥界中。

4.Hades, God of the Dead, abducted Persephone , daughter of the goddess of agriculture, Demeter, to be his wife in the underworld.地狱,上帝的死亡,被绑架的普西芬尼,女儿的女神农业,得墨忒尔,以他的妻子在黑社会。

5.The bane is armed with a Bane Blade. Banes are the generals of the Underworld and are able to lead large numbers of undead.祸灵装备着自己的祸害之剑,它是来自幽冥界的将军而可以统率庞大的死亡军团。

6.So the purloined artwork tends to stay in the underworld for an average of seven years before a buyer is sought.因此,被窃的艺术品往往要在黑社会停留七年之久,才能找到买主。

7.He posed as a privateer for two years, exploring the underworld of the Hapes Cluster in search of his brother's murderer.在接下来的两年里,他假扮成私掠船船长,混迹于海皮斯星团的黑社会,寻找杀害哥哥的凶手。

8.Years of physical conditioning and training honed him into one of the most feared bounty hunters in the underworld.多年的健身与训练将詹戈·费特磨砺为黑社会最令人畏惧的赏金猎人之一。

9.What does pure, creamy frozen yogurt have to do with monsters and the underworld? Everything, in the case of Devil Yogurt and its website.什么是纯粹的奶油冻酸奶都与怪物和黑社会?一切,在其网站上魔鬼酸奶和案件。

10.For her last task Psyche was given a pttle box and told to take it to the underworld.为她的为时任务灵魂被给了一个小的箱子和告诉采取它对地狱。