




1.神仙教母 12 Autumn 秋天 13 The fairy godmother 神仙教母 14 Spring fairy 春天童话 ...


1."By going to the ball, " said the fairy godmother.“到去球说,”仙女教母。

2.Wishing is sitting on your couch daydreaming, waiting for your lotto ball to drop or the fairy godmother to appear.希望就是坐在沙发上做白日梦,等着天上掉馅饼,等着仙女赐愿望。

3.The Fairy Godmother repped "It is the least I can do. What does your heart wish for your second wish? "仙女回答“这再简单不过了,你的第二个愿望是什么?”

4.Princess of the fairy godmother rescued the prince, and to grant him the magic sword of magic shield to defeat the black witch.公主的神仙教母救出了王子,并且赐予他神剑魔盾,打败了黑女巫。

5.The Fairy Godmother carried away strawderivative at a bargain price and lent Consumerella 125 per cent of the money she needed.仙女教母以低价买下了稻草衍生品,借给康苏瑞拉125%她所需的资金。

6.The Fairy Godmother again spoke "Congratulations, Cinderella. Enjoy your new pfe. "教母继而说道:“恭喜你,灰姑娘,享受你的新生活吧。”

7.I'm a prince, ' but the principal of the Fairy Godmother Academy decided that 'Oh, happy day!但是,学院校长最终决定“啊哈!真是一个开心的日子,我是一只青蛙。”

8.King could not, only that the fairy godmother to find monster hunter against spell big monster.国王无法,只得同意了仙女教母去寻找怪物猎人,对付那只大怪物。

9."Where have you been? " demands the Fairy Godmother.“你跑哪里去了?”精灵教母问道。

10.Even miracles take a pttle time. - The Fairy Godmother就算是奇迹也要花点时间才能发生的。仙女教母