




1.花园 战地挽歌 War Requiem 花园 The Garden 爱德华二世 Edward II ...

2.庭院 04. 七 Seven 05. 庭院 The Garden 06. 受够 Enough ...

3.世界花园 8.Desperate( 迫不及待) 1.The Garden( 世界花园) 2.Greatest Day( 完美的一 …

4.庭园区菜园的动人故事。这部名为《菜园》(The Garden)的纪录片获得了2008年奥斯卡最佳纪录片的提名,也让这项高雅的事 …

8.儿子的妙计 ... Prepare Three Envelopes 锦囊妙计 The Garden 儿子的妙计 A Lawyer,aBlonde and aBet on aPlane 律师与金发 …


1.The children have messed up the garden.孩子们把花园弄得乱七八糟。

2.God intended for the seeds He planted to grow into a bountiful crop to be harvested in the autumn in the Garden of Eden.神原本意图祂在伊甸园所栽下的种子能够长成大片丰硕的稼禾,并在秋天收割。

3.The children are busy as bees, helping their mother in the garden.孩子们忙个不停地在花园里帮母亲干活儿。

4.When God made the first man. He put him in a beautiful garden, the Garden of Eden.当上帝造出了第一个男人时,他把他放在一座美丽的伊甸园里。

5.Now she preferred the garden, and did not dispke to promenade back and forth in front of the railed fence.她现在比较喜欢待在花园里,并不厌烦常到铁栏门边去走走。

6.To leave the hustle and bustle of the city, in the grains fragrance of the garden, you and me during walks.离开喧嚣的城市,在五谷飘香的田园,你我信步其间。

7.The garden squash need tending, don't you think, pumpkin?园子里的南瓜需要人照看你不这么觉得吗呆瓜?。

8.One day, Zhuangzi dozed off in the garden. He had a dream, in which he turned into a beautiful butterfly. . .有一天,庄子在花园里睡着了。他做了一个梦,梦见他是一只很好看的蝴蝶。它飞到东,飞到西,最后飞累了,就睡着了…

9.Pour some cola into a shallow dish and place it in the garden near the problem area.在一张浅碟里倒些可乐,然后把它放在花园中虫子经常出没的地方附近。

10.Despite the fact that the organizing element for the garden is water, the plants by and large are drought-tolerant.除了流水是花园里重要组成因素这个事实外,总的来说,那些植物都是耐旱的。