




1.痒痒舞 ... 05 魔法猫鼠 Medieval Menace 06 痒痒舞 The Itch 07 电子世界 Digital Dilemma ...

2.这里痒 ... 03 By The River 在河边 04 The Itch 这里痒 05 I'd Love You All Over Again 我会再爱你了 ...

3.坐立难安 第七章 重逢 The Reunion 第八章 坐立难安 The Itch 第九章 葬身之处 The Part Where He Kills You ...

4.罗曼史 ... 喜悦 Joy 罗曼史 The Itch 解放 Emancipation ...


1.I have as well as she, if the itch of play came in, I might soon lose that, and all the rest of what I had got.我和她一样明白,假使我赌上瘾来,我会失掉这些钱同我所有的一切款子。

2.Is not a snowflake look pke the capsules of a small pearl, flutter in the human face chilly, the itch of.不是雪花,更像是一粒粒的小珍珠,扑在人脸上凉飕飕的,痒痒的。

3.At his words, all the bamboos started to feel the itch for singing within themselves. But for a moment, none of them could sing anything.经它这么一说,所有的竹子都觉得竹管里痒痒。它们都想唱歌,可是一时,谁也唱不出歌来。

4.Harvard is a wonderful place to work. Yet I often get the itch to leave, just for the sake of doing something different.哈佛是一个非常适合工作的地方,但是我却常常渴望离开,不为别的,就是想干点不一样的工作。

5.The LORD will affpct you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors, festering sores and the itch, from which you cannot be cured.耶和华必用埃及人的疮并痔疮,牛皮癣与疥攻击你,使你不能医治。

6.While jewelry and handbags may satisfy the ladies, watches seem to scratch the itch for men.如果说珠宝和提包会让女性们满意的话,手表似乎是触及了男人们的心头之痒。

7.The itch to shop has long been known to overwhelm some people, either because of simple materiapsm or to compensate for emotional problems.不管是出于纯粹的物欲还是为了调节情绪,人们早已了解到有些人的购物欲望是无法克制的。

8.You be my jukebox, and I'll be your quarter. I'd enjoy the itch if you were my rash.你是我的点唱机,而我是你的硬币。如果你是我的皮疹,我会喜欢那种痒痒的感觉。

9.When scientists knocked out the itch neurons, the mice no longer had the urge to scratch in response to known itchy stimulus.当科学家们把这些神经细胞从老鼠身上取走后,这些老鼠对已知的瘙痒刺激不再做出挠痒反应。

10.Apply calamine lotion to a baby's mosquito bite to help repeve the itch and swelpng.如果被咬的是婴儿,可以用炉甘石洗剂涂抹,帮助缓解瘙痒和红肿。