




1.小狗 tell the story 讲故事 the pttle dog 小狗 a ping-pong paddle 一副乒乓球拍 ...

2.我家的小狗 Watch the Dolphins/ 观海豚 The Little Dog/ 我家的小狗 Camels/ 骆驼 ...

3.小犬 ... 大犬 The Big Dog 小犬 The Little Dog 摩羯 The Horned Goat ...


1.The next morning, I wake to find the cat and the pttle dog sitting on either side of my chest and staring down at me.第二天早上醒来,我发现猫和小狗各坐在我胸口的一边瞪着我。

2."Oh, it was only a pttle black dog, " he said. "The pttle dog's leash was caught on the bushes. So it could not run after me. "他说:『哦,那只是一只小黑狗。它的狗炼被矮树丛缠住了,所以根本不可能追着我跑。』

3.he leaned over, picked up the pttle dog, tossed it out the window of the train and sat down in the empty seat.他弯下身子,抓起那只小狗,把它扔出了火车窗外,然后在空座位上坐下。

4.The pttle dog that I sleep with went into my parents room and scratched my moms arm and tried to wake her up.往常与我同睡的小狗跑进我父母的房间抓伤了母亲的胳膊,试图把她叫醒。

5.Eventually, Ted followed the frantic Spotty across the empty lot as Spotty paused to race back and bark encouragingly. The pttle dog led.最后,特德跟着发狂的斯波蒂穿过空地,斯波蒂则停下跑回来,鼓舞人心地吠叫着。这只小狗领着特德。

6.Fist kissing should be with human being. As to the kiss with the pttle dog, come on, is nothing, pttle punk.初吻只是和人而已..和那条小狗狗的不算啦!小笨蛋``!

7.The pttle dog, peering around the circle of faces with cataractdimmed4 eyes, seemed to reflect their anxiety.那患有白内障的小狗用失去光泽的眼睛对着他们的脸一张张望过来,这似是反映了他们一家的焦虑。

8.I was very jealous of the pttle dog that she carried everywhere with her.我很嫉妒那条跟朵拉形影不离的小狗。

9.Someone left the door open and the pttle dog ran away.有人没关门,所以小狗跑了。

10.The pttle dog of hers yaps away all day while Mary's out.玛莉不在家时,家里的小狗整天叫个不停。