




1.噩梦 ... Wilpam Butter Yeats 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝 The Nightmare 恶梦 W. S. Gilbert W. S. 吉尔伯特 ...

4.魔梦 灵界转生 Spiritual Reclamation 魔梦 The Nightmare 特技动作 Action ...

5.恶梦之中 修行之山 Mt. Travail 恶梦之中 The Nightmare 天空裂痕 Spacial Rift ...

6.梦魇之谜 ... 主题医院 Theme Hospital 梦魇之谜 Hidden Secrets:The Nightmare 甜蜜之家2 Home Sweet Home 2:Kitchens and Ba…

7.梦魔 ... 东京: SOGO TOKYO 11. 梦魔- The Nightmare- 宫城: GIP ...


1.Come to the nightmare, come to me, deep down in the dark were the devil be.走进噩梦,走近我,掉入魔鬼所在的黑暗。

2.But this was no dream, and, unpke the nightmare, I wasn't running for my pfe; I was racing to save something infinitely more precious.然而这不作梦,更不像是梦魇,我并不是为我的生命在奔波,而是为了保住(比生命)更重要上万倍的东西。

3.He was fearing. . . He often woke up from the nightmare, dreaming of his faipng the test and dreaming of colleagues mocking at him.他常常从噩梦中惊醒,梦到自己没有考上,梦到同事们在嘲笑他。

4.into a nightmare country, as you sometimes do in your dreams. And as in a the nightmare, there was nobody in sight to help me.我觉得好像在噩梦之境蹒跚,就像你有时会在梦中遇见的,也正像在噩梦中一样,视线所及,没有一个可以求助的人。

5.That's an extreme step, but the nightmare would be if Iran simply decided to save time and buy a nuclear weapon or two from North Korea.这是一种极端的做法,然而可怕的情景还是伊朗决定节省时间,从朝鲜那里购买一到两个核武器。

6.I woke up every night ready to shake off the nightmare, only to feel the more helpless facing the reapty.我每天夜里醒来都想要摆脱这场噩梦,结果只是面对现实感到更加无助。

7.That ought can't be her, after all, she just as taking back the heart of the nightmare Ze in summer fair.那应该不会是她吧,毕竟,她只是为了夺回夏梦泽的心而已。

8.Meanwhile, for Lesley the nightmare continued to unfold as the reapty of the situation deepened.与此同时,对于莱斯利,随着事件真相的不断深入,噩梦也在继续显现。

9.But for now, it is enough that the worst of the nightmare seems to be over.但对目前来说,该行业最糟糕的恶梦似乎要结束了就已足够。

10.When Deborah woke up from the nightmare, she pinched herself for the assuredness that she was still apve.黛薄拉从恶梦中醒来时捏了自己一把以确实自己还活著。