




1.在场的人 ... the number necessary( 必要的数量) the people present在场的人) sight visible( 可见的景象) ...

2.在场的人们 the present people 现在的人们 the people present 在场的人们 ...

3.指坐在周围的人 ... 〖four pmbs-arms and legs〗 指动物的四条腿或人的两腿两臂 四肢的血液循环 〖the people present指坐在周围的人 ...

4.出席者 ... all comrade present here( 所有在座同志), the people present出席者), the present time( 现在); ...

5.出席的人 ... 1. something different 某些不同的事物 2. the people present 出席的人 3. the students absent 缺席的学生 ...


1.All the people present got up to leave.所有到场的人都起身走了。

2.and then he pretends all the people present have reached a consensus about the subject of the meeting and breaks it up.然后他就假装到会的人就会议的主题都达成了共识而宣布散会。

3.The people present just stared at me and smiled.台下的人们只是微笑地看着我。

4.Decisions of the residents assembly shall be adopted by a simple majority of all the people present.会议的决定,由出席人的过半数通过。

5.Guide to put forward, such as the elderly consciousness is not clear, the people present shall be immediately call the emergency number.指南提出,如老人意识不清,在场者应立即拨打急救电话。

6.The hosts will pick any of the people present and ask the group members, in which the person belongs to for information about that person.主持人会任意挑出在场任何一人,然后向该人所在小组的组员提出关于该人的问题。

7.The professor's sense of humor and strong memory left a deep impression on all the people present.那位教授的幽默感和很强的记忆力给每个在场的人留下了深刻的印象。

8.Most of the people present at the meeting reject what you said just now.大多数出席会议的人不接受你刚在会上说的话。

9.The people present at the meeting all persisted that the river not be polluted again.所有与会者都强烈坚持河流不能再被污染了。

10.All the people present were already seated, waiting for the conference to open.所有到场的人都已入座,等着会议开始。