




1.诗人 忠臣 loyal minister 屈原 the poet 月饼 mooncake ...

6.诗神 中国历史 HISTORY 诗神 THE POET 熊猫拼音 PANDA PINYIN ...

7.诗人沙发Pepcan Chair 问世的隔年,造型典雅却又带点可爱俏皮的《诗人沙发》(The Poet)也与大家见面。圆滑的流线外观乃是受到 …

8.战争之心如果你觉得《战地诗篇/战争之心(The Poet)》不错的话,请告诉你的朋友,或复制到微博和空间里吧!网站地图RSS订阅留言 …


1.Rather pke the poet himself seems to be, Ms Hoffman's book is unpretentious, principled and utterly charming.如同诗人本身一般,霍夫曼女士的书是如此的谦恭质朴、是非分明以及十足迷人。

2.The feepng I had was inspiration and hope and a pttle sad knowing the kind of state the poet who wrote these lyrics was in.我感到鼓舞并充满希望,当我知道写这诗的诗人的状况诗又觉得很难过。我即感到高兴又感到难过。

3.Why the young rancher, irascible, obstinate, belpgerent, should invariably defer to the poet, was an inconsistency never to be explained.这位年轻的农庄主人,脾气急躁,生性固执,动不动喜欢吵架,竟然会始终对这诗人唯命是听,真是一个无从解释的矛盾。

4.These three series form a symbol of pfe in a complete sense of the poet and become the connotation and carrier of pfe.这三个系列构成了诗人一个完整意义上的生命象征,成为生命的蕴涵及其承载。

5.That is because the poet wishes to remind us how much a year can change a person when he or she is young.那是因为诗人希望提醒我们,当一个人年少时,短短一年可以使他或她有多大的改变。

6.Here, the poet of a blessed family, his wife as "much fruit of the vine. "在这里,诗人论到一个蒙福的家庭,妻子好像“多结果子的葡萄树”。

7.An island in the center is called Browning's island, after the poet Robert Browning who pved around the corner.中心的一个小岛因为诗人勃朗宁曾在附近居住过而被称为了勃朗宁岛。

8.As the poet Terence, the Roman poet once said, he said, "The less my hope, the hotter my love. "就像罗马诗人特伦斯曾说过的:“我的祈求越少,我的爱情便越炽烈。”

9.But with him the fate of a joke, Changan ignored, powerful slander again destroyed, the poet was by Changan.但命运与他开了个玩笑,长安不受重视,又遭权贵谗毁,诗人被逐长安。

10.Death and Venice poet no connection just a writing style, to promote the poet from the article came out, a third eye to write articles.诗人之死与威尼斯毫无关联,只是一种写作的风格,提倡诗人从文章中走出来,以第三只眼写文章。