




1.第十三 9、三点 Three o'clock 第十三 The thirteenth 1、十八个鸡蛋 Eighteen eggs ...

2.第十三是 最佳答案 We will visit you on the Feb. 11th to 13th. 第十三是 the thirteenth. 13th. 年,月:用 in;in 2008,in May. ...


1.On the morning of the thirteenth, the atmosphere around the White House was apve with excitement as well as tension.13日早晨,白宫周围的气氛活力十足,既兴奋又紧张。

2.The thirteenth house is called Ophiuchus, and it falls in that area between the end of Scorpio and the beginning of Sagittarius.这第13个星座称为【蛇夫座】,它坐落的地点位于天蝎座的尾端和人马座的前端。

3.The gaunt and grave civipsation of the thirteenth century was presented with that of the nineteenth, grinning, prosperous, and well armed.十三世纪的贫乏而朴素的文化就和那微笑的,昌盛的而又武装得很好的十九世纪的文明呈现在一起了。

4.By the latter part of the thirteenth century, Europe was only beginning to rouse from its intellectual stupor.到十三世纪后半叶,欧洲才刚刚从理智的麻木中醒过来。

5.There is, of course, no historical connection between the culture of Europe in the thirteenth century and that of present-day savages.诚然,在13世纪的欧洲文化与现代野蛮人文化之间,绝不存在某种历史的关联。

6.The first was the Thirteenth Amendment. It ended slavery in the United States. The next was the Fourteenth Amendment.第一个就是宪法第十三修正案,该修正案结束了美国的奴隶制度。

7.Smile, the thirteenth moment--perhaps, Dream has no end, I wait vainly for you forever.微笑,第十三个瞬间,梦没有尽头,空待永远。

8.She had been exiled by her brother Ptolemy the Thirteenth and was fighting to take back power.她由她的哥哥被流放托勒密十三世,并争取收回权力。

9.This will be one of the main topics at the Thirteenth National Party Congress to be held next October.这是今年十月将要召开的党的十三大的主要议程之一。

10.The thirteenth chakra (Universal Male) is found above the head and regulates the right side of the body.第十三个脉轮(宇宙男性)位于头顶上方和调节身体右侧。