




1.洋基队 ●大都会棒球队( The Mets) ●洋基棒球队( The Yankees) ●纽约五区日( Five Boro Bike Tour) ...


1.Me? I'm interested to see what Phil Hughes turns out to be. It would seem the Yankees are indeed serious about developing their own players.我呢?我自己倒是很想看看休斯能够进化到什麽程度。看来洋基现在真的开始认真培养自己的农场新秀了。

2.If I tried drawing a draft, the Yankees would be on me pke a duck on a June bug.我如动那笔钱,北方佬就会像鸭子扑向6月的虫子一样向我扑来。

3.when matsui went down , the yankees found a savior in young melky cabrera , who helped the team continue on.松井受伤期间,洋基找到年轻的救兵麦基卡布瑞拉(牛奶),他帮助球队持续挺进。

4.He would be watching baseball, and his son would yell from his bed, "Daddy, get me out of the crib. I want to watch the Yankees. "有时他在看棒球,儿子会在床上叫嚷,“爸爸,抱我出来,我也想看扬基队。”

5.If the Yankees had lost, they would have been tied with the Blue Jays for third place in the division.假如洋基输球,那麽他们将会和蓝鸟并列分区第三。

6.After a week of family, friends and turkey, the Yankees got back to business yesterday, resuming their pursuit of Johan Santana.在一个星期与家人,朋友,还有火鸡一起共度的感恩节假期过后,洋基回到工作岗位,继续展开对桑塔那的追求。

7.The major tipping point in the Yankees' favor was their immediate need for Clemens, said the right-hander's agent, Randy Hendricks.克莱门斯的经纪人亨德瑞斯表示,洋基能够独得垂青,主要是因为他们立刻就需要克莱门斯。

8.I probably would be the only southerner white dude who am happy for the victory of the Yankees.我恐怕是唯一为北方佬胜利而高兴的一个南方白人拉。

9.In February, he helped the Yankees tour China with their World Series trophy, trying to drum up interest in Major League Baseball.今年二月份,黄健华协助纽约扬基队带着他们的总冠军奖杯巡礼中国,试图唤起中国人对美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)的兴趣。

10.If the icy- nerved hurler had been, the Yankees probably would have been curious to see what it looked pke.如果这位冷静如冰的投手真的有懊恼,洋基球员倒可能很想看看他的表情。